Page 18 of Cop Blocked

I’m pretty sure neither of us is truly ready to take it to the next level.

I wait until I hear the lock slide back into place once she’s shut the door before I get back in my car and head home.

Tonight, I’m going to need a long, cold shower. But not before I text Rachel one more time as soon as I walk in the house.

Me: Thanks again for spending the day with me. I’ll give you a call tomorrow night after work.

I don’t wait for a response, thinking that she is probably busy doing whatever it is she needed to take care of.

There’s a text message waiting for me though when I’m done in the shower, and a little less amped up.

Rachel: I’m still trying to decide if you’re insane or not. I’ve already had to take a hot bubble bath to soothe my muscles. I think I might hate you.

Shit. I do not need to think about her naked in a bathtub right now.

Me: What a horrible way to say, “Thank you, Logan.” ; ) Too forward if I tell you that you probably wouldn’t approve of the mental image in my head right now?

I’m going for broke here, since my brain is getting zero blood flow right now. Everything is rushing south, again.

Rachel: I would ask if it’s too forward of me to tell you that you’re quite the tease, and I should probably be ashamed of the images in my head right now, thanks to you.

Me: Then I would say we’re both even.

Rachel: Asshole.

Her last reply makes me chuckle as I set my phone on the coffee table and flip on the tv.



Logan: Morning. Guess how I’ll be spending my day? I’m playing a glorified chaperone with some of the other guys on duty, for an event at your alma mater.

I read Logan’s message again and set my phone down. After a rough night where Piper would only sleep cuddled up next to me, I find myself even more torn about our current situation.

I’m entirely off-kilter here. The last thing I expected to hear Logan say was that he wasn’t into kids. I did my best to fight back the shock, and I swear he hypnotized me when he kissed me goodnight on my front porch.

Hell, I was nearly ready to throw caution to the wind and invite him in, even if it ended up being a one-time thing. Logan makes me willing to compromise all of my rules and risking the heartache that I know is coming because I can already feel it. Like a fool, I got too attached too soon. And here I was worried about Piper.

“You ready for school, kiddo?”

“Yep!” she squeals as I help her unbuckle and walk her inside.

As luck would have it, Zoey’s here and dropping off her daughter Gabby at the same time. I haven’t missed her today.

“Hey, stranger.” She waves.

“Zoey. Have you got plans this morning?”

“I don’t. Why? What’s up?”

I sigh. “I think I could use some girl time.”

“Well, Dylan’s working, so as long as you don’t mind spending time with the triplets too, I’m all yours.”

“I’ll meet you at your house, then?”
