“Are your parents still around too?”
Taking a drink of water, I clear my throat and brace myself. “Long story, but they both died around the time I left home.”
She doesn’t need to know that my father killed my mother, that I nearly beat him to death that night, or that the bastard ended up dying in jail a few months later from a drug overdose. If not for Ryker witnessing the entire thing, I may have ended up in jail right alongside my father.
The proverbial end of our childhood is exactly why we both chose our respective career paths. Ryker turned to college, EMT school, and then the fire academy. I got my degree then joined the Marines to get the hell away from there.
“Oh. Shit. I’m sorry.”
I see the familiar look of pity on her face and hold my breath, waiting for the prying for more information, but it doesn’t happen. Instead, she takes my hand, giving it a firm squeeze, and changes the subject back to Ryker.
“What’s he like? Is he as much of a troublemaker as you are?”
“Me? Troublemaker? Pft.” I grin at her. “He’s a little more high-strung. But very much an annoying little brother when he wants to be.”
“Totally an only child here. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents while my parents worked+. Growing up, I always wished I had a sibling to play with, but then again, I’ve always been told I don’t share well. In the end, I was probably better off.”
“Hmm, something else we have in common,” I muse.
“Oh. What’s that?”
“I don’t share either.”
Rachel’s face lights up in amusement. “Do your lines work on all the ladies?”
“I’m only hoping they work on you.”
She shakes her head. “God, Logan. You’re so cheesy. It’s kinda cute, though.”
“Not as cute as you.”
“Okay. Stop.” Rachel laughs. “Do you have any nieces and nephews? Is Ryker married?”
“Hell no. Neither of us are the settling down type. No nieces and nephews, and before you ask, I don’t have any illegitimate children either.” I can tell that last part doesn’t over well, and I quickly backtrack. “I didn’t mean to sound like a dick. Its just...kids aren’t exactly my thing. I’m pretty sure they give me hives,” I try to lighten the mood.
“Oh, come on. I doubt it’s that bad. If you saw what I see every day at work, I’m sure you’d change your mind.” Rachel adds.
Finished with our burgers and fries, I gather our trash and dump it in the garbage can over in the corner to avoid any more talk of babies and kids. “Dessert? They have milkshakes here too. They’re not as over the top asSugar Rush, but they’re good.”
“No way. No sweets for me this time. I should probably get home.”
“Really, you’re going to call it, like that?” I don’t mean the clipped tone in my voice, but it comes out anyway.
“I am. I’ve got some things to take care of this evening.”
The whole mood has shifted, and I know it's my fault, which fucking sucks because I’ve realized two things for sure – Rachel is not like other women I’ve dated in the past, and I want to keep doing seeing her. Now I have to figure out how to dig myself out of the proverbial hole and make that happen.
“So, this was fun,” Rachel tells me as we stop outside her front door thirty minutes later. “I haven’t laughed this much in a while.” We pause on the front porch for a moment, and she starts to unlock the door, but I put my hand over hers to stop her and turn her to face me instead.
“I had fun too,” I tell her honestly. With one hand on her hip, I slide the other hand around the back of her neck as I lean into her.
Her lips meet mine and are soft and sweet, as I deepen the kiss between us. My thumb grazes the bare skin just under the hem of her shirt, and she lets out a low hum, the ice that had started to form back at the restaurant feels like it’s starting to melt. The tent in my pants is back with a vengeance as her body responds to mine. I could stay here forever.
Instead, I do the right thing. With every ounce of restraint I have in me – I pull away slightly and lean my forehead on hers.
“I would invite you inside,” she asks breathlessly.
The glossy look in her eyes begs me to say yes. “Soon,” I promise with a kiss on her forehead. Loose locks of her hair have fallen around her face, and I brush them back behind her ears before cupping her face in my hands. “Soon.” One more kiss, a promise. Then I step back, unlocking the door for her and waiting until she’s standing inside. “Goodnight, Rachel.”