Page 1 of Cop Blocked



This was a stupid idea. Then again, I’ve been filled with a lot of dumbass ideas as of late.

For someone who hates social media and enjoys keeping my private life, private; I should have known this would be a disaster of epic proportions. At work alone, I’ve seen too much shit go down. Women being taken advantage of, “women” catfishing men, and vice versa. People getting hurt.

It’s easier to avoid things like online dating apps. But nooooo, instead of sticking to my usual methods of attracting ladies, I’m the guy who can never turn down a dare. So, when three of my best friends decided that I really needed to get out more and recruited my little brother to get in on the action? I folded. Hoping like hell, it would get them all off my back.

Gunner is happily married to his high school sweetheart, and they’ve got a whole gaggle of little monsters running around. Louis, aka Shortstack - he’s married to an Army nurse that he met on deployment years ago. He claims it was love at first sight. I think she drugged him - or maybe it was the other way around. Either way, they all believe in happy endings and shit. Especially Sunny, our collective little sister who dated one of our Marine buddies back in the day. And of course, Ryker, my little brother who “finds chicks all the time on those dating apps.”

I happen to think they’re all full of shit, but like I said - I gave in anyway. Next time, I need to ignore those fuckers and trust my gut.

If I had listened to my gut, I wouldn’t be sitting in the restaurant bar dealing with this nonsense.

The woman across from me, my “date” for the evening, takes another drink of her expensive martini while she goes on about how awful her life is. I’m listening, half-heartedly, and wishing I was at home watching baseball instead.

I agreed to one date. One, that’s turning out to be a horribly obnoxious date with a stranger. A stranger I’ve talked to via text for over a week.

I thought she was normal. Now, I’m thinking my people reading skills need work.

Trish is not going to be my ticket to moving on or settling down.

“You know what the problem is?” she slurs and drapes an arm around me.

I cringe.

God, the smell of alcohol pouring from her is enough to make me drunk. Pretty sure that Trish has a drinking problem. I’ve been at the restaurant for our date, for fifteen minutes. Trish was already two drinks in at the bar when I got here, early, I might add. Our reservation was for six-thirty, but I don’t think we’ll be making it to dinner at this rate.

“Men are afraid of women who go after what they want.” Her fingers dance across my chest before toying with the top button on my shirt. “But, not you. Right? You’re not afraid of a woman who takes charge, are you? You seem like you’re secure enough to handle giving me what I need.”

For fuck sake. No. I know where this is going, and I am not interested. Whichever one of those fuckers I call friends, told me that dating apps were so much more than people DTF - or down to fuck… LIED.

“Trish. What do you say I get you a ride home?” I tread lightly, removing her hand from my body.

“Only if you’re coming with me, big boy,” She winks and reaches between my legs, going for my most prized possession. Thankfully I’ve got quick reflexes and stop her. Trish is brazen.

“Maybe some other time. When you’re in a better frame of mind.” Or never. But she doesn’t need to know that.

I wave to Kasey, the bartender on duty, while taking care of that ride for my, uh, friend here. “Kasey, we’ll take the check, please.”

He gives me a knowing look and fights back a laugh. Pulling out enough cash to cover Trish’s drinks and my bottle of water, I hand it over to Kasey.

“How about some fresh air while we wait for your ride?” I offer, thankful when Trish doesn’t put up much of a fight and willingly walks outside with me.

We find a bench in front of Sage and have a seat while Trish continues on her tirade about men not being able to handle her, how her job sucks, and she’s pretty sure her cats hate her. I’m doing my best not to laugh or roll my eyes when her ride finally pulls up.

As I’m tucking her in and sending her back to her place, she sobers for a moment and looks up at me. “You’re one of the good ones, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know about that, Trish,” I’ve done my share of shitty things and undoubtedly broken some hearts, something I’m not proud of. “Maybe I’ll see you around sometime. Have a good night.”

Since I’m already here and starving, I head back inside to grab a bite to eat at the bar. Might as well make the most of it.

Kasey takes my order, and while I wait, I send off a text message to let the three musketeers know how epically wrong tonight’s date went. I’ll leave it to one of them to report the details back to Ryker, as I’m sure they will.

Me to Defcon1: Logan - 0, stupid dating app – 1. I told y’all that would be a waste. I called an Uber and sent her home.

Ping. Ping. Ping. Three immediate responses, like they were waiting by their phones for an update. Knowing these three, they probably were.