“Remember the first time we forced Jameson to watch it with us?” She giggles like we’re back in high school.
“I do. And he ended up getting so wrapped up in it. Remember how he would quote lines from the movie?”
“God, yes, and with the funniest accent ever. And his hand on his hip!”
“Because his Southern drawl isn’t enough.” I wipe tears of laughter from my eyes.
Liv grabs my hand and gives it a pat. “It’s good to have you here.”
I take a deep breath and smile. “It’s good to be here. Are you absolutely sure that I won’t cramp your style? You two are newlyweds after all.”
“Nonsense. You’re on the opposite side of the apartment. Harley may argue that you’ll need earplugs—if you ever asked him about how thin the walls are, but there’s no way we’d want you to be anywhere else.”
“I’m grateful for you both. In case I haven’t said it enough. And first thing Monday, I’ll start pounding the pavement to find a job so I can pay half of the bills.”
Liv waves a hand in the air. “Take all the time you need. Jameson has made it pretty clear that you’re not responsible for any expenses here. Just take care of yourself.”
“I appreciate the gesture, but I fully intend to pitch in. Put it in a college fund for my future nieces and nephews.”
Liv’s smile widens. “We’ve still got plenty of time for that.”
Jameson walks in a few minutes later, arms full, and we both scramble off the couch to help. The smell of pizza seems to remind my stomach that it’s been hours since I last ate and it lets out a rumble in protest. We all laugh as Jameson passes out paper plates and we each grab a slice or two from the box.
“I’ll pour the wine. You two go sit down. When I’m done, I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Jameson, you don’t have to…”
“It’s fine. I’ve got some building plans to review for a client. Liv’s already gotSweet Home Alabamacued up, trust me... you two catch up. If I get lonely, I’ll go next door and bother Harley, I’m sure he’d love company,” he jokes.
“I think Harley has seen enough of your face for one day. Better be careful, babe,” Liv warns playfully.
“You hush and sip your wine.” He hands us each a glass. “I’ll see you ladies later.”
“Bring the trash and dishes back out here when you’re done!” Liv scolds as he walks away.
“Yes, dear!”
I snort laugh at the two of them. “Somethings will never change.”
Chapter 21
I’ve avoided 425 Madison’s newest resident for three days, not counting the less than five minutes that I saw her from across the room the night I helped Jameson move her things. I’ve got double shifts to thank for that, but it looks like my streak has ended now.
“Hm. Fancy seeing you here, Mr. Wagner,” she says as soon as I step on the elevator.
I was too busy looking at my phone to notice her before, but I canfeelher now.
“Raylynn.” I nod.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, are you really going to play it like that?”
Call me an asshole, but it pleases me to no end to see that she’s still the same determined woman I met in Hawaii.
Since we’re the only ones in the elevator car, I move in and crowd her space and look down at her. “Like what, Raylynn? Say it. Say the words.”
She moves even closer and stands up on her tiptoes so that we’re nearly face to face, or we would be if she were a few inches taller. “Like you haven’t been buried so deep inside me. Like we haven’t been so intimately acquainted that we know exactly how to get each other off.”