Let Olivia mother hen all over Raylynn for a while.

I find Jameson in the waiting room with take-out bags in hand.

“I saw some benches outside, even their emergency room is tranquil around here.” He tips his head towards the door.

“You’re wifey is back there in Momma Bear mode. Forget to tell her about my text at lunchtime?” I ask with a laugh as we sit down at one of the benches.

Jameson shrugs shamelessly. “I knew she would freak out like she is now. And I wanted more time alone with her. Zero regrets.”

“Hey, thanks for the food.”

My stomach grumbles again as I open the foam tray. “Aww, man, you do love me. A mixed plate. I was worried you ordered a Poke bowl, and I’d have to eat it and pretend to be grateful.”

“How long have we known each other? I know your ass hates raw seafood. Weirdo.”

We eat in silence for a bit until my buddy decides he wants to act like a girl and gossip.

“Sooo. Yesterday, you said something about not doing scraps. Today, you’re here. Care to elaborate?”

I shovel food in my mouth and take my time chewing, prolonging my response time. When I’ve finished, I wash it down with the soda Jameson provided. “Short version, there was a misunderstanding.”

Jameson coughs out a laugh. “Bullshit! And let me guess, you cleared that up with a little late-night room service and dessert.”

“No, fucker.”

“Then how did you know she was sick?”

“Okay, listen. I screwed up the night before. I went to her roomthis afternoonwith a peace offering. When she answered the door, she looked like death warmed over. That’s when I messaged you. The end.”

He snorts. “The end. Fuck that. Far from the end. You thought she was still engaged. Didn’t you?”

“Jameson, since when did we sit around acting like a bunch of chicks? Shut up and let me eat in peace, will ya?”

“You slept with her that first night. Liv told me. We bet on it.” He shoots a shit-eating grin my way.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Unlike you, I do not kiss and tell.”

He leans back and crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ve made my point. How long are they planning on keeping her?”

“We’re done here,” I grunt, standing up and taking my trash with me to the nearest trash can. “Since you and your girl are here now, I’m going back to the resort to rest for a while. Call me if you decide to leave, and don’t be a dick about it.”

Ironically, the last thing I want to do is leave, but I need to, to keep Jameson off my ass for a while.

“Might want to go tellyourgirl that, before you go.”

“Phoenix, you’re a pain in my goddamn ass.”

The smug asshole laughs behind me as I head for the parking lot.

Chapter 10


Afew hours in the hospital, several bags of fluid, and God knows how many medications, I’d venture to say that I almost feel human again. Not completely, but at least I’m not puking every time something passes my lips, and my fever has broken.

I finally managed to convince Liv and Jameson to go about an hour ago, claiming I needed rest and would be fine. According to Jameson, Harley had long since headed back. His absence causing a mix of feelings that my drug-fogged brain cannot quite decipher at the moment.

With the help of one of the nurses, I’m able to slip into a clean pair of my own clothes that Harley must have gathered up before we left.