Greta overhears my comment and leans in to whisper back, “He wanted to be sure she had everything. Especially after everything they’ve both been through. Walter and I vowed we’d pull out all the stops for our boy and his lady.”
I swore I wouldn’t be one of those girls who cried on her best friend’s wedding day, but tears fill my eyes. Greta pulls me in for a hug and holds me tight.
Olivia and Jameson do deserve all the happiness in the world. The last year has not been good for them. Not at all. Knowing that Liv will always have Jameson’s parents puts me at ease, even more so now.
“Raylynn, wait until you try this make-up that Emmy gave me, it’s amazing. Becca even spotlighted it on her blog,” Liv says from her perch. “The foundation is amazing. It’s full coverage but doesn’t feel heavy or look caked on.”
“Liv, I love you dearly, but the foundation for your porcelain skin is not going to work on me.” Thanks to my Italian heritage, I've always had a hint of olive in my year-round naturally tan skin.
Olivia balls up a napkin and tosses it at me. “Dork. She sent me with several samples in different shades for you to try too.”
I rush over to the table where make-up is spread out on full display and pick up a few of the samples, looking them over and selecting two that I think may work. “Let’s see what the fuss is all about,” I tell her and shuffle off to the bathroom to try on the two shades.
Liv was right, this foundation is freaking amazing. The first color I try on matches my skin tone perfectly, and the application is silky smooth.
“We have a winner,” I call out. Walking out of the bathroom, I head straight for the balcony and the natural light.
“Oh my gosh, Chelsea, check it out. Her skin looks flawless,” Liv gushes.
Her stylist stops and looks up at me. “Whoa! You had gorgeous skin to begin with, but that stuff is liquid gold. I’m going to have to give your friend a call and bulk order her products.”
“Totally. I’ll make sure I give you her card before you leave today.” Liv nods.
“Well, ladies, I’ll finish putting my face on, then I’ll be ready for you to work your hair magic, Chelsea.” I grab my own make-up bag that is already stocked full of a wide mix of stuff, mostly from Becca’s blog recommendations and of course, Envirogal, the company Emmy works for.
In the bathroom, I get to work applying a natural eye look with a pop of pink on my lips. By the time I’m finished, Chelsea’s waiting.
Another forty-five minutes, and we’re all primped. The photographer has arrived, and we take a few staged photos of us getting ready before slipping into our dresses and taking even more photos.
And yes, I damn well cry seeing Olivia in her wedding dress and all done up for her big day.
Chapter 5
Ihaven’t been able to keep my eyes off of her. No matter how hard I try, my eyes keep finding Raylynn. The strapless teal dress that Olivia picked for her maid of honor clings to Raylynn’s subtle curves, accentuating everything I enjoyed about the woman.
It may make me sound like a complete pig, but I’ve had a perpetual hard-on since I saw her walk down the aisle to take her place beside the bride. She may have escaped me last night, but I have no doubts that she’ll be staying with me tonight. I’m pulling out all the stops to get this woman back in my bed, willingly. In fact, if I have things my way, she’ll be begging me for more.
I’m focusing so hard on the woman across the makeshift altar that I nearly miss my cue to hand Jameson the ring. What I don’t miss is his silent questioning eyebrow raise.
“Hey, I was giving Olivia one more chance to reconsider,” I joke, earning a laugh from the small crowd here with us and a head shake from Jameson. Behind Olivia, I catch the slightest of grins from Raylynn too.
From there, I countdown the minutes in my head until the ceremony ends, and I get to escort Raylynn back down the aisle.
Jameson wasn’t wrong yesterday when he said that I was stuck in a dry spell.Wasbeing the keyword, until Raylynn crossed my path and set the sheets on fire with me. The best part about this whole thing is that I know it’s nothing more than a fling. We’re both scratching an itch, and when our time on this tropical island is over, we’ll both go back to real life.
I still can’t fucking believe I didn’t realize exactly who she was that first night. Guess that’s what I get for thinking with my dick. At least I didn’t forget her name once we got back to my room. Not that I’ve ever done that.
Now knowing who Raylynn is means I also know that from the little background I’ve heard from Jameson, she’s got some fancy job with a hotshot business exec and gallivants all over the world catering to the guy’s every need. Which means I don’t have to worry about any strings. We’re free to enjoy ourselves while we’re here and go our separate ways at the end of the week.
Last Jameson told me about her she was…wait...son of a bitch...she’s engaged to that hotshot business exec too! Damnit.
My blood begins to boil for a completely different reason, and I begin to understand exactly why she really wanted to keep our hook up a secret from the bride and groom. Unfucking believable.
I’m the other guy. She cheated on her fiancé with me.
Regret and remorse bubble up as the minister pronounces Jameson and Olivia husband and wife. Swallowing it down, I plaster a smile on my face while Jameson kisses his bride. Turning to the crowd, the minister introduces them as Mister and Missus for the first time. In true Jameson fashion, he swoops Liv off her feet and rushes back down the aisle.