He relaxes and kisses her cheek. “Have fun. But not too much fun.” He gives Harley a shove. “Let’s go, man. You owe me a drink.”
* * *
The next morning,er, more like early afternoon, I make it to brunch with Liv, Jameson’s mom Greta and Payton with five minutes to spare.
The bride-to-be already has a mimosa in hand and passes one to me. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty. Sleep well?” She giggles.
“I did actually. I was up with the sunrise, did a little yoga on the balcony, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.”
Liv sips from her champagne glass. “And did that scenery happen to include a certain tall, dark and handsome gentleman?”
The mouthful of mimosa nearly comes spewing out my nose while I cough and sputter. “What?”
“Oh, come on, weallsaw the way you two were looking at each other last night.”
I look around at everyone else who are all watching me with googly eyes.
“Jesus!” I let out an exaggerated sigh. “This is like college all over again.”
“So, you did sleep with Harley!” Liv squeals.
“Today’s your big day. We really don’t need to talk about me.” I try and fail to hide my smile behind my glass.
“He is one of the sweetest guys.” Payton damn near swoons.
“Oh, real sweet,” I snicker. “As sweet as Cody?”
Payton smiles. “I’m just saying, when the paparazzi swarmed 425 Madison, he never hesitated to help me get in and out of there safely.”
“And have you seen that man in uniform? Out there keeping the streets safe every day. Shew.” Liv fans her face.
“I thought you hated Harley?” I question. I had never met the guy until that night in the bar, but I heard plenty about him while I was galivanting around the world. I’m blaming the booze for not making the connection that he wastheHarley.
“I was joking. But he has grown on me.”
“Like a hemorrhoid,” I add.
Harley and Liv’s hatership was nearly as strong as the love/hate thing that Liv had going with Jameson for years. Not that I could blame either of them. Harley didn’t understand why Jameson kept coming back for more when all Liv seemed to do was push him away. And Liv thought Harley was a stuck-up asshole who hated all women – her words, not mine, or at least the women that his friends chose to date. Considering he’s standing up for them today, I guess it’s safe to say they made it past that hiccup.
Greta laughs and shakes her head. “You girls are a hoot. Y’all leave Raylynn alone and let her enjoy her newfound freedom.”
I send a questioning glance to Liv, who shrugs.
“Oh, Raylynn, don’t be like that. You know that Walter and I never liked Sawyer anyway,” Greta adds.
Being friends with Liv also means that they are my family too. So, it doesn’t surprise me that Greta and Walter have an opinion on the man who cheated on me.
“Seriously, enough about me now. Let’s focus on Liv and how hot she is going to look walking down that aisle in her dress! Besides, who’s soon-to-be husband crashed our party last night and carried you through the lobby and back to his room? I bet you broke that pre-wedding tradition, didn’t you?”
Liv turns crimson, but she doesn’t deny anything.
Attention successfully diverted away from me, I let out a deep breath and decide that with it all out in the open, a night with Harley might just be worth repeating.
We all finish with brunch then head back to Liv’s suite to get ready, after I make a quick stop by my room to grab my dress and shoes.
The make-up artist/hairdresser for today’s festivities has already gotten started with Liv’s hair as she sits cross-legged on a chair near the balcony in a white silk robe that says “Bride” across the back.
“Man, Jameson really spared no expense on this wedding,” I whisper.