Not a chance. I won’t risk ruffling Liv’s feathers, no matter how bad I still want him. For now though, I’ll let him think what he wants.
An arm drapes over my shoulder, startling me temporarily until I realize it’s Jameson. “Nice to see you two getting along. Harley doesn’t like a lot of people.”
“Keep it up, fucker,” Harley grumbles.
“Our table’s ready. Better not keep the bride waiting,” Jameson says, totally ignoring Harley while spinning me around and guiding me toward the party room where everyone is gathering.
If I thought I’d be able to escape Harley the rest of the night, I was sadly wrong. No, he’s determined to do everything he can to keep me on the edge.
By the time dinner ends, I’ve had one too many glasses of champagne, and I’m ready to start begging him to take me again.
Liv’s happiness is the only thing stopping me.
“Can I get you another?” Harley reaches for my empty glass.
“Hands off.”
He laughs. “Come on, I’m just trying to help you out.”
“No. No, you’re not.”Whoa, did my words just slur. Time to rein it in!
“A water then?”
“Good idea.”
I watch his fine ass as he walks away. Payton elbows me and wags her eyebrows.
Apparently, she and I have bonded tonight. I had no clue she worked at the Vet office where Liv takes Peaches, my favorite fur niece. Her fiancé was a professional bull rider but now he works for Liv - or The Mason Center at their new equine therapy location. Big difference from riding bulls but one too many hits to the head will do that to a guy.
Payton hands me a napkin. “You might want to wipe the drool off your chin.”
“I was not drooling.” I dab at my face just in case. “Was I?”
Payton laughs. “You might as well have been!”
I shrug it off and snatch the bottle of water from Harley’s hand when he returns. “Thank you,” I murmur.
“You’re welcome.”
Liv and Jameson join us. I may be tipsy, but I do not miss the way she eyes Harley and me suspiciously.Shit.
“The guys want to hit the bars for a little bit. I say we ladies hit the club and do some dancing,” Liv says.
I swear I hear Harley growl beside me.
“Can I trust you both to keep an eye on her?” Jameson teases, pointing to Liv. “Don’t let her run off on me before I get her down the aisle.”
This time Harley chuckles, “I think you’re asking the wrong one.”
“Whatever.” I poke his chest. “I can be responsible. Liv and I used to go out all the time.”
Jameson winces. “Yeah, I remember all the nights you two went out.”
Okay, so we might have gotten into trouble a time or two and called Jameson to rescue us. We were younger. We’re wiser now. Maybe.
At least we had enough sense to call someone. And Jameson made damn sure it was always him that got that call. His love/hate relationship with Liv came fully equipped with a strong need to protect her at all costs.
“Relax, I’ll be fine. We won’t be out too late, and I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be the one in the white dress.” Liv beams up at Jameson.