Harley holds me in his arms until the water turns cold. We take our time drying one another off before crawling into bed together.
Chapter 30
Sleep overtakes Raylynn while I lay awake. All I can do is hold her while she tosses and turns, murmuring while she tries to rest.
Later today, when we’re both well-rested, I’ll suggest to her that she looks into seeing a professional to work through everything. I’ve been down this road before. The department will make me get an eval before I can come back to work. I won’t wait that long though. I’ll call my therapist in the next few days and get in there to take care of myself, too.
Raylynn finally seems to settle down, so I let my eyes drift closed and rest.
When I wake, I’m in bed alone, and she’s gone. I panic, searching the place for my phone to call her. My calls go straight to voicemail. Dressing in a hurry, I throw on a pair of sweats and head next door.
Jameson answers the door. “She’s here,” he tells me right away.
“Thank fuck.”
“You okay?”
“Yes. I’m fine, but I need to lay eyes on her. Let me inside.”
He rubs the back of his neck and steps back. “Right. Shit. We should talk first,” Jameson slips out the door and lets it close behind him.
“Jay, you’re my best friend but I won’t hesitate to knock your ass out if you do not let me get to my girl.”
“Your girl, eh? Then you care to explain to me what all this back and forth has been about? Don’t you think it’s about time that you’re either in or out?”
“Fuck. You. You really are one to talk, aren’t you? Do you have any idea what we’ve been through? I nearly lost her.”
“Yeah you sure did. Ass. Like I said, don’t you think it’s time to get your shit together and work it out with her?”
I shove on his chest. “Jameson, that’s what I’m fucking trying to do, but you’re standing in my way.” Swaying to his left, I push past him and walk in their apartment.
“Yeah, come on in,” he mumbles behind me.
I walk in and find Raylynn balled up on the couch next to Liv. They’re red-eyed from crying. I rush to her side and pull her into my arms.
“You fucking terrified me.”
She sniffles. “I’m sorry. You needed to rest, and I needed to breathe.”
“It’s okay.”
“We’re glad you’re both okay,” Liv speaks up.
“You and me both,” I tell her honestly.
“I think, I want to go back to bed,” Raylynn whispers.
“Have you eaten?” I ask. “If not, you should eat a little bit before you rest.”
“He’s right, Raylynn. I’ll make you both something to eat, then we’ll leave you be.”
Liv whips up simple grilled cheese sandwiches and brings them over to us. Raylynn picks at hers, only managing to finish half.
“I’m really sorry for not waking you to tell you I was coming over here,” she apologizes again.
“Don’t worry about it,” I reassure her.