Walter lets out a hearty laugh. “After the hell Dahlia has put Liv through, I think it’s possible she wouldn’t stand a chance. Greta has quite the fondness for our Olivia.”
Jameson growls, “Mine.”
“Oh, calm down, son. We all know she’s yours,” he says while patting Jameson on the shoulder like a child.
“Yeah.” I shudder. “I don’t need to be reminded. You’ve proven that plenty of times. Seriously. You should consider moving your bedroom to the one on the other side of the apartment, give those neighbors something to listen to for a while.”
I stop the golf cart at the next hole, and Jameson pokes me with his club as he climbs off the back of the cart.
“It’s not my fault you haven’t gotten laid this century.”
Flipping him the middle finger, I shake my head. “You have no idea what I’ve been up to.”
“Right, I forgot your flight came in last night. And I’m pretty sure I saw scratch marks on your back when I walked into your room this morning,” Jameson says as he takes his place at the tee.
“Alright. Unless the two of you want me to start talking about how Greta enjoys being tied up…” Walter speaks.
“STOP!” Jameson and I both shout at the same time.
“Dad, please don’t put those images in my head the day before my wedding.”
Walter smiles slyly. “I’m happy for you, boys. Truly. But, cut the old man some slack. Please.”
“Yeah, change the subject.” Jameson takes a swing. “Got that best man speech written, Harley?”
“You know I do. Wrote it. Memorized it. AND put that sucker on note cards, so I make sure I nail it. You have no idea how excited I am to tell everyone about the kid I knew back in middle school who loved Ninja Turtles and thought he was going to be the next blue Power Ranger.”
The look on Jameson’s face as he spins around to look at me is priceless. “You wouldn’t.”
“I hope you didn’t forget the part about how he was madly in love with the girl next door, but his friends convinced him that she had cooties, so he made cootie spray and zapped her with it,” Walter adds.
I’m nearly doubled over in laughter while Jameson rants at both of us. I can’t hear everything he’s saying, but I’m pretty sure he said something about how his dad is supposed to be on his side and that it would have been less painful to pay for Trey’s whole family to be here so that our old high school pal and Jameson’s business partner at Phoenix Construction could be his ‘real’ best man.
While I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes, Walter steps up and takes his shot on the green. Then it’s my turn. I’m just about to take a swing when Jameson squawks behind me, catching me off guard. I miss the golf ball, and my club goes flying.
“You owe me a beer for that one, Phoenix,” I tell him before I walk off to retrieve my club. “Tell me something though, how is it that you moved to New York and swore you were leaving that Georgia boy personality behind and yet, here we are at some country club in freaking Hawaii of all places, playing golf the day before your wedding?”
“What else is there to do?” Jameson shrugs.
Walter smirks. “I promised Greta we would go for a couples massage before the rehearsal dinner. Why don’t we call it a day and you boys go get into some trouble? Just, not enough trouble that I’d have to bail you out or anything.”
“You heard the man.” I’m more than happy to end this round of golf early. Maybe I can convince Jay to check out one of the local bars before we need to be back at the resort for rehearsal.
Chapter 4
My cell phone pings again just as I’m about to step into the elevator. I don’t even need to look; I know it’s Liv. Again.
TheBestie:You’re on your way, right? Reservations are in twenty minutes. We’re at the bar.
I quickly type out my reply.
Me:In the elevator now. See you in five.
Thank goodness for that massage at the spa earlier, and the coffee, complete with Baileys that was waiting. Don’t get me wrong, I love Liv like a sister, but the woman is out of control. Stressed to the max about this wedding and making sure thateverythingis perfect.
Not that I would expect anything less from my best friend. She’s been this way since I met her in first grade. I suppose it has a whole lot to do with her uptight and over-the-top mother—that evil woman is first-class insane, and it only got worse when Liv’s father died.