
Since I haven’t started my job at King Cosmetics yet and Harley has essentially confined me to house arrest, I decide that tonight he owes me dinner. I’ve tried texting him a few times, but it would seem my friend is busy ignoring me. I know he’s home because I overheard Jameson say something to Liv about seeing him in the hall on his way in, so I take my chances and walk over to his apartment.

Technically, I’m not breaking any rules since I’m not leaving the building or my floor, for that matter. Plus, Liv and Jameson are home. I’m sure if something crazy happened, they’d realize it. Not that anything crazy is going to happen, right?

Three knocks on Harley’s door and no answer. Starting to feel a little defeated and wondering if he’s actually avoiding me, I knock again, a little louder this time.

Harley finally answers, and I have to refrain from fanning myself. Holy hotness, the man looks fucking amazing in his uniform. He steps back out of the way and motions for me to come in.

“Um. Okay, I…”Words Raylynn, use them.“Dinner. You, me. We should go.”Real smooth.

“Can’t. Raincheck. One of the guys needs me to fill in for him. Single dad, and his kid is sick. I’ve got to go back in to work.”

“Oh. That blows. I guess. Another time then?”

Harley flexes his hand and nods. That’s when I notice the cuts and bruising on his knuckles.

“Dude. What the fuck happened to you?” I snatch his hand a little too aggressively, causing him to grunt in pain.

Something flashes in his eyes, then it’s gone. “It’s nothing. Scuffle with a suspect on my first shift. Happens sometimes. I’ll be fine.”

“If you say so. Shouldn’t you ice it or get it looked at? Something?”

“I said it was fine,” he snaps, and I wince at the bite in his voice. “Sorry. I’m sorry...My hand will be okay in a day or so. As for you, can you do me a favor and actually listen? Stay confined to the apartment, no wandering the halls,” he warns.

“I’d hardly call coming over here ‘wandering’.”

“For once, Raylynn, please listen to me.”

I relent. “Fine. Can you promise me that Jameson and Olivia are safe in all of this? Is my being here putting them in danger?”

“Try not to worry so much. I don’t think our friends are in any kind of danger.”

“Well, that’s one good thing then. I guess I should let you get going.”

“Give me two seconds, I’ll see you out.”

“Harley,” I groan. “It’s literally five feet from your door to mine. I think I can manage.”

“Woman,” he scolds and cocks his brow at me.

“Fine. I’ll wait. Two seconds though, or I leave without you.”

I try to trust what Harley’s telling me, but something feels off, though I can’t put my finger on what exactly.

* * *

The weekend passesby in a blur.

Monday morning, I’m up and have three cups of coffee made by the time Liv and Jameson emerge from their cocoon, ready for work.

“Good morning,” Liv sing songs, gladly taking her to-go cup from me.

“Oh, God. I feel like I’m a kid again about to go off on her first day of school. You know, and my parents are about to drop me off, but they can’t go inside with me.”

“Please, don’t call me Daddy,” Jameson shudders.

I snort laugh. “Like that would ever happen.”