“Shit. Last night?” I don’t even need to ask because I damn well know the answer.


I’ve been to O’Hara’s plenty of times. Hang out in the same place long enough, you get to know everyone. Sure, locals or even tourists may stop in from time to time, and they stand out like a sore thumb, but they’re not so much out of place.

“Raylynn, I’m going to tell you something and I need you to not freak out.”

“Oh, God. You saw something.”

I nod. “When I went to the bathroom. I excused myself because something felt off…”

Before I can finish, she punches my arm. “You thought something was off, so you left me!”

“Raylynn. I left you with four other cops. All of whom I trust with my life, every damn day.”

Her face falls. “Oh. Right. Valid point.”

“Anyway.” I shake my head. “I stepped away to check things out.”

“Someone was watching me,” she says.

“I can’t be sure. The guy disappeared out the back. Seemed like when he saw you with us, he backed off.”

This time she shakes her head ‘no.’ “I felt like that this morning when I went to get donuts.”

“Christ,” I hiss. “Why the hell didn’t you call me?”

“I thought it was all in my head! I didn’t want you to think I was nuts!”

“Next goddamn time, you call.”

“I will!” She pouts.

“Do you think it’s your ex? Do you have a picture of him that you can give me?”

“I didn’t keep any pictures, but I’m sure there is one on his company website. Do you really think he would come all the way to New York? Why go through all this trouble?”

“I don’t have answers. For now, you need to lay low and be extra vigilant. There isn’t much the department can do without some kind of proof.”

“That’s what I figured. What am I supposed to do about going to work?”

“Hold that thought.” I go back into the bedroom to grab my phone from the charger and text Jameson. Between the two of us, we can make sure she gets to and from work safely. He responds immediately telling me to consider it done and that we can go over details later. “Taken care of. Me or Jay will drive you.”

“Whoa. No,” she protests. “Harley, they’re already doing enough for me and I don’t want to be a burden.”

“Listen, we may be just friends, but when it comes to your safety, nothing is a burden. Am I clear?”

“I don’t like this.”

“You don’t have to. Deal with it.”

She flips me off. “I’m getting another donut.”

“What’s Sawyer’s last name and the name of the company?”

“Flynn. Sawyer Flynn. FlynnPatrick Enterprises.”

While she gets another donut, I look the asshole up online. The gut feeling I get when his picture pops up is telling. If I were a betting man, I’d bet this was the asshole who was in the bar last night. I snap a screenshot and send it to Liam.