The next morning, I wake up with my cock in my hand and Raylynn’s name tumbling from my lips as I climax all over my stomach. Memories of Hawaii play in my head with each pulse.
I cannot remember the last time that’s happened.
What I was dreaming, it was so real. Like she was here.
Fuck.I’ve got it bad.
Getting up out of bed, I flip on the shower and grab a clean washcloth to clean up the mess I’ve managed to make. When I’m done, the sheets go in the washer, and I shuffle to the kitchen for breakfast.
I’m about to pour a bowl of cereal when there is a knock on the door. If it’s Jameson this early in the morning, I’m going to kill him.
Raylynn’s tiny frame is standing on the other side, and she’s got a box and a tray of drinks in her hands. My cock jumps and I scold myself for being such a guy. With one hand on the door, I quickly adjust myself and open up.
“Hey.” She holds out the tray first for me to take. “Sorry, that was getting kinda awkward to hold. I thought I’d bring you donuts and coffee. You know, for putting up with me last night.”
I hold the door open further. “Come in?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Raylynn sets the box on the kitchen counter and takes the drink carrier back from me. “I tried to remember how you like your coffee, then I was afraid I would screw it up, so…” she reaches in her pocket and pulls out a brown paper bag. “I brought sugar, sugar substitute, and creamer.”
I chuckle and impulsively kiss her forehead. We both freeze for a split second, but neither of us says a word. Instead, she takes one of the coffee cups and I take the other. Pulling the lid off, I add two creamers and two sugars before using one of the little plastic stirrers she dropped in the bag to mix it all up.
“I didn’t know what kind of donuts you liked. I grabbed an assortment, figured I couldn’t go wrong there.”
I lift the top of the donut box and grab a chocolate glazed. “You did good. Thank you.”
“It was the least I could do.”
“Raylynn, you act like it’s such a hardship hanging out with you. As I recall, I seem to enjoy having you around.”
Her face flushes as she picks up a jelly-filled donut. “Whatever.”
“Plans for today?” I ask after washing down my donut with the coffee.
“Pretty much not leaving the apartment. Relaxing. Laundry. The norm.”
“Sounds like a blast. If you’re not in a hurry, you can stay for a bit,” I offer.
Raylynn looks down at the floor then back at me. “Actually. I wanted to talk to you about something.”
I take my cup of coffee and move into the living room. “Let’s hear it.”
She sets her cup on the coffee table and kicks off her shoes before tucking her feet under her on the couch. “I...uhm...” Her fingers pick at an invisible string on her shirt. “I think I’m being followed.”
“It sounds crazy. Maybe I am being paranoid.”
I shake my head. “First thing we always tell people is not to ignore those feelings. Don’t downplay them.” Switching seats, I leave my recliner and sit down next to her. “Tell me why you think you’re being followed.”
“I can’t explain it. When I went for my interview at King Cosmetics, I felt like someone was watching me. I kept looking around but didn’t see anything alarming so chalked it up to nerves about the interview. When I left there, I had the same feeling on the way home.”
“Is that the only time you’ve felt like that?”
“Uhm. No.”