Harley’s friends have all left for the night, and we’ve moved to a smaller table so that another group could have ours. I’m sipping on my drink when Harley clears his throat.
“So, tell me about this job. Where’s it at?”
“Oh! That’s the whole reason we came out, right?”
“It is.”
“I accepted an offer from King Cosmetics. My interview was two days ago, but Levi King told me to look things over and think on it. I would be pretty damn stupid not to take it.”
“Congratulations.” He raises his glass of water and taps mine.
“Thanks! I start next week. Their HR person is retiring, and I’ll be taking over. I’ll train under her for the next twelve weeks.”
“Levi King’s a good guy. I think you’ll like working there.”
I let out a yawn and reply “Me too. I’m really looking forward to it.”
“You ready to get out of here? We’ve still got to catch the subway and walk a little bit too. Or I can get us a cab if you’d rather.”
“We should hail a cab. I didn’t consider getting home when I ordered that last drink,” I confess.
He stands and takes my arm. “I would get you home safe, either way.”
In my tipsy haze, I pat his cheek. “I know you would.”
Chapter 25
Outside the bar, I hail us a cab. We haven’t made it a block before Raylynn’s head is on my shoulder, and soft snores are coming from her.
The cabbie, Paul, and I make small talk as he navigates us through the still insane city traffic.
Almost thirty minutes later, he stops outside of 425 Madison. Charlie, the new nightshift doorman, greets us and opens my door. I pay Paul and gently nudge Raylynn.
“Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”
She startles and snorts before wiping drool from her mouth. I try not to laugh.
“Come on, let’s get you inside.”
Charlie shuts the cab door behind us and pushes the button for the revolving door to turn on. Raylynn and I step inside together and enter the lobby, aimed for the elevators.
“Well, that was fun. Tell me I didn’t talk in my sleep.” She lets out a yawn.
“You didn’t talk in your sleep.”
“Oh, good.”
I help her off the elevator on our floor and walk her to her door.
“Thanks for going out with me tonight, Harley.”
“Anytime, friend.” I wink.
She rolls her eyes and digs in her tiny handbag for her key. I wait until she’s unlocked the door and inside. I hear Olivia’s voice before the door shuts, and the lock slides back into place.
I take the ten steps back to my own apartment and head to bed. Alone.