“Alright, the 6 train to Grand Central Station, then we’ll take the 4 train to Wall Street,” I tell her once we’re at the ticket kiosk. With both our tickets in hand, I guide her through the gate to the platform.
She wrinkles her nose and giggles. “The Tube in London sure as hell doesn’t smell like this.”
“Ah, come on. It’s the authentic New York experience.”
Chapter 24
“Okay, you did NOT tell me this was a cop bar!” I yell over the noise.
Harley gives me a smirk and smug shrug of his shoulders. “You didn’t ask.”
“Yeah, well, the temperature went up to about a hundred and three with all these good-looking gentlemen hanging around.”
When I feel the vibration of his growl, I know I’ve hit my mark. That may have been a little bit of a bitch move on my part. I friend-zoned the guy, and he brings me to the mecca of hotness with all these first responders. He should know by now that booze makes me horny. Okay, maybe that’s a lie. It’s just him.Hehas that effect on me, not that I’m about to admit that tonight.
Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the hell out of that little display of protectiveness.
“Be sure you tell one of the firefighters to hose you off,” he says in my ear.
Oh yeah, he’s in alpha mode. Shit.
“Now, now. Don’t be jealous,” I tell him, as we push our way to the bar.
I lean in to get the bartender’s attention only to have Harley pull me back against him with a grunt.
“I’ll handle this.” He raises a hand, and sure as shit one of the bartenders walks over. A female one, who flashes Harley the biggest smile, like they’re old friends.
I see exactly what he’s up to.
“Hey, Lisa. How’s it going?”
“Good to see you Wags, what can I get you?”
“I’ll have a Coors Light and whatever she’s having.” He nods to me.
I’m relieved when she makes eye contact with me and doesn’t seem like she’s judging me in any way. “And for you, sweetheart?”
“I’ll have a Tequila Sunrise, please.”
“Coming right up.” She gives me the same smile before gathering our drink order.
She works fast and delivers our drinks in a few short minutes. I attempt to pay for mine, but Harley beats me to it and tells Lisa that my money is no good in this place.
“You heard the man. If I can get you anything else, let me know.” Lisa gives me a wink and gets back to work.
“Yo! Wags!” Someone yells behind us. I catch the reflection of the guy in the mirrored wall behind the bar and refuse to turn around, determined to do my best to pretend I’m not interested in meeting any of Harley’s friends.
“Liam. Boss let you go home?”
“Fuck off, I put in my 60 hours this week too, man.”
Harley taps me on the shoulder, and I spin around. The blurred reflection from the mirror doesn’t do this guy justice. Hell, I’m beginning to wonder if it’s a theme or a requirement for the job. Are all cops supposed to be this hot?
“Liam, this is my neighbor, Raylynn. Raylynn, this is Liam. Occasionally I get partnered up with his ass at work.”
Liam gives me a flirty smile and shakes my hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m sorry you have to live next door to this guy.”