I’m sitting at the kitchen counter with my laptop, scrolling through job ads when Olivia and Jameson come in from work.
“Honey, we’re home,” Jameson jokes, dropping his keys on the table by the door while Liv kicks off her shoes and lets her hair down.
“Oh, something smells good!”
“I made my wifey and husband dinner,” I muse and climb down from the stool to grab the enchiladas from the warmer. “These babies are ready when you guys are.”
“I’m going to go wash up and change, be right back,” Jameson says.
Liv grabs plates and sets the table.
“I mixed up some margaritas too.” I pull out the margarita glasses and grab the drink pitcher from the fridge.
“Hm. I could get used to this.” Liv hip checks me on my way past. “Seriously, though, you know you don’t have to do this.”
I shrug. “I know, but it’s not like I’m doing anything else. I can’t get a single place to call me back when I put in an application, and the job pickings are getting slim. God, I’ve even considered bartending.”
It's been almost a month since I moved and still no luck. Part of me worries that Sawyer is already one step ahead of me and has done damage here too.
“No! Lord no. You do not want to bartend in the city. And the nicer places tend to have shitty owners. Becca can tell you all about that.” Liv pauses. “Wait! That’s it. I wonder if Emmy or Levi can get you in somewhere.”
“Uhm. Don’t they both work for cosmetic companies?”
Liv nods. “They do. But LeviownsKing Cosmetics. I bet you he could find an opening.” She pulls her phone from her pants pocket and starts texting.
“Wait, I have a degree in Human Resources and Management, what exactly would I do at a place like King Cosmetics.”
“Hey. Don’t get all nervous.” Liv waves her phone at me. "Emmy said she will check at work. She also mentioned that King just posted several job ops so she's going to talk to Levi. I wish I would have thought about this sooner."
“Whoa.” I wasn’t expecting that at all.
“I gave Emmy your number to have Levi call you.” Liv hugs me. “You’re welcome.”
“Uh. Yeah. Thanks.” I’m still stunned.
Jameson pads barefoot across the apartment, dressed in his usual evening attire of basketball shorts and a Bulldogs t-shirt. “Damn, she even made margaritas. Babe, you sure you’re not open to a third?” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I nearly throw up in my mouth.
Liv hits him in the arm. “Shut up. Oh my God, I can’t even with you. Don’t make things weird.” She looks at me. “He’s kidding. I swear.”
“No offense, Ray, but yeah. Kidding. Though we’ll really keep you around if you keep taking care of us like this.”
“Thanks,Jay.” I roll my eyes and take a seat.
We finish dinner, and I send the two lovebirds off while I clean up, in spite of Liv’s protests to let them clean up since I cooked. In the end, I win out when Jameson tosses her over his shoulder and carries her away.
The last dish is in the dishwasher and everything is cleaned up, I’m about to head to my room to read a book on my Kindle when my phone buzzes.
It’s a local number but not one I’m familiar with. Still, I answer it anyway, hoping that it may be someone requesting an interview. “This is Raylynn.”
“Raylynn. This is Levi King. Emmy tells me you’re looking for a job.”
“Oh. Yes, I am,” I reply in shock.
“Are you free tomorrow? I’ve got some time around noon; we can sit down and talk.”
Holy shit. Can this be for real?
“Yes, of course. Noon is perfect.”