This week was meant to be about fun, relaxing, and celebrating Jameson and Olivia. I went into this with no plans outside of my wedding party obligations, so Raylynn has been a pleasant and welcome surprise. Last night when she mentioned missing out on swimming with the dolphins, I knew that first thing this morning I would be making some phone calls and pulling out all the stops to make it happen for her before we all head back home.
As luck would have it, they had exactly one slot open, but I had to book an entire group to get us in.
Before Raylynn gets out of the shower, I shoot off a quick text to Jameson then pocket my phone.
Me:I know, I’s your vacation, honeymoon, whatever. I hung out with y’all last night now you get to hang out with me. Bring Olivia and meet me at the dolphin encounter at three pm. Swimwear required. Consider it an extra wedding gift. You’re welcome. Oh, and DO NOT mention this to Raylynn.
Now I’ve got to distract her for the next few hours.
She comes bustling out of the bathroom in another sexy as sin sundress with her hair piled high on her head. “So, breakfast?”
“Ready when you are.” I stand and slip my feet into my shoes. “You’ve got that hot little bikini on underneath, right?”
“Sure do. Though I still think sneaking off to go skinny dipping is a better idea than whatever you’ve got up your sleeve.”
“Hmm. We’ll have to see about that, won’t we?” I wink.
We take the shuttle across town to try out this little breakfast place that the concierge highly recommended, and then I offer to spend some time exploring and shopping.
By the time we find a cab to get back to the resort, it’s almost time to meet up with Jameson and Olivia.
“Alright, one more stop, then maybe we can grab some dinner,” I tell her and walk her across the resort property.
“Oh. My. Gosh. Harley! Are you serious?” Raylynn's eyes light up when we walk up to the dolphin experience. “You're taking me swimming with dolphins?”
“I hope I didn’t overstep.” A tiny hint of doubt creeps in that maybe this wasn’t the best idea and that maybe it was something she wanted to do alone.
“You did not have to do this. I can’t believe you did this!”
“What a great way to say, ‘Thank you, Harley,’” I tease her.
She gives me a hug and one hell of a kiss. “Thank you, Harley.”
I give her a playful swat on the ass. “Atta girl.”
“Aw damn, you two are at it again,” Olivia interrupts.
Raylynn jumps. “Liv, Jay...what are you two doing here?”
Jameson starts to speak, but Olivia cuts him off. “Someone might have invited us.”
And there goes my cover. Though I’m not sure how I expected to explain the coincidence.
Raylynn looks up at me, and I can see the emotions all over her face.Yeah, I made the right call.
“We should get in there, so we don’t miss anything.” Olivia grabs Raylynn by the arm and drags her away.
“What was that about scraps and never falling?” Jameson pokes as soon as the girls are out of earshot.
“Fuck off. It’s called being a decent human, Jay.”
He chuckles.
The animal care specialist joins us and introduces herself, handing out wetsuits and directing us to the locker rooms.
We suit up and take a tour of the dolphin observatory on the way out to the swimming area where Lola, a female dolphin, is waiting for us. Raylynn is practically bouncing on her heels by the time it’s her turn to get to know Lola.
“Harley! Get over here.” She waves me over when I try to hang back. I thought I’d let her have her moment.