At least I changed into something more comfortable not long before Raylynn called. I was about to hit the gym to burn off some nervous energy. I didn’t stop to put real clothes back on, so I picked her up in a pair of gym shorts and an NYPD t-shirt.

I hang the wet clothes over the shower bar and walk back into the hotel room. Raylynn is already fast asleep. I probably should go, but I’m worried about her, and I don’t want to leave her side right now.

When she’s feeling better,I promise myself.

I’m just about to get comfortable on the couch again when Raylynn rolls over and calls out in her sleep.


Quickly moving to her side, I let her know I’m here.

“Lay with me,” she mumbles, her eyes half-open now. “Please.”

I nod and pull back the blankets, climbing in beside her.

She cuddles close and puts her head on my chest. It doesn’t take long until I hear her snoring softly. With one arm holding her close, I close my eyes and let myself drift off too.

* * *

Sunlight hits my face,and I curse the fact that I didn’t think to close the curtains before falling asleep as I try to adjust to the natural light streaming in the room. Raylynn lets out a soft sigh and snuggles closer to me. When I glance down, she’s still sound asleep with her lips parted and tiny little breaths blowing out.

From the looks of things, neither of us moved an inch all night.

My arm is still wrapped firmly around her and sore from lack of movement, but damn if I’m about to move from this spot. Instead, I lie still, taking it all in until I feel her eye lashes fluttering against my bare chest.

Raylynn lets out a yawn and looks up at me with a shy smile. “Morning.”

“Good Morning. Feeling better?”

She scoots up further on the bed, giving me my arm back and laying her head on the pillow next to me. “Much better. Thank you for staying and keeping me company.”

“Anytime, darlin’.”

Her stomach lets out a growl, and we both laugh. “I think I’d kill for a piece of toast. How sad is that?”

“Well, now, we can’t have you committing murder for carbs. I’ll order room service.”

I’m already reaching for the phone when she rolls over, pinning me down and grabbing my hand. “No. You have done enough. I think I’d like to get dressed and go down to the breakfast buffet.”

Her body flush against mine has all my blood heading south as I try desperately to rein it in and think straight. When she wiggles against me, I almost lose it. “Alright, I’ll let you have your way this time. And while I hate to leave good company, I’d like to swing by my room and change my clothes.”

“Fiiiiine. I’m sure the other guests would appreciate it if I put on some clothes,” she says, rolling off of me and slowly standing up.

I groan at the sight of her long legs and barely covered ass. “I’m sure the men around here wouldn’t mind. The women might get jealous.”

Raylynn’s eyes roam my body, and she licks her lips. My dick twitches. “Sure looks like you don’t mind.”

I stand and grab my shirt that I folded up and set on the dresser. “Never said I did.”

I tug her in for a hug and kiss her forehead. “Meet you in the lobby in twenty?”

“Hmm. Sounds like a plan.”

Chapter 12


Harley walks out, the room door clicking shut behind him, and I instantly miss his presence.