I’ve been sitting in the ER with Raylynn for three hours now. They took her straight back when we walked in. I might have lied and said I was her fiancé, then proceeded to look like a complete ass when I had zero of her information. Thankfully the nurse laughed it off when Raylynn piped in and said I was actually her voodoo doctor and could stay. At least she’s kept her humor about her while they poked and prodded.
She’s on her second bag of IV fluids and some heavy-duty meds to cure what the doctor has pronounced as food poisoning.
“I’m going to walk out front and call Jameson while you rest for a few minutes,” I tell her.
She shoots me a death glare that I give right back. “You’ve gotten sick from something you ate. They need to know in case anyone else comes down with it. If they decide to stop humping and come visit you, that’s on them. Quit worrying about ruining things and rest.”
“Bossy,” she whispers.
I give her hand a gentle squeeze and excuse myself.
The minute I step out into the late evening air, I dial up Jameson’s number.
“It’s Jay, I’m busy consummating my marriage. If this is important, I’ll call you back when we come up for air.”
I can’t help but laugh out loud at his voicemail greeting. Jackass.
“Jay, letting y’all know, Raylynn’s in the ER. I’m with her, but she’s got a bad case of food poisoning. Hopefully you are enjoying your new bride and not barfing your brains out instead. Call me back.”
Message left, I pocket my phone and take a short walk around the parking lot to stretch my legs.
Jameson calls back before I make it a full lap.
“Yo, what the hell? Liv wants to know what she ate. No one else has complained yet,” he babbles the minute I answer.
“Fuck if I know. I was too busy stewing all night and trying to avoid paying attention to her.”
He sighs into the phone. “We’re on the way. Liv said she’s not letting her bff sit in the hospital alone.”
I can hear movement in the background and assume they are indeed hustling out the door.
“Jeez, she’s not alone. I said I was here with her. She’s doing fine, they’ve got her hooked up to an IV and they’re giving her meds.”
“Well, I’d like to keep my balls and get laid again, so we’ll be there soon. See ya.” He hangs up and I head back inside.
Raylynn is resting so peacefully that she doesn’t even notice my return. But when the cavalry arrives—or more like Olivia comes busting through the ER like her ass is on fire—Raylynn peeks her eyes open.
“You told her,” she grumbles and tries to hold up a finger. The meds are obviously making her feel really good because her hand dramatically falls back onto the bed and her eyes drift closed again.
“What are they saying? Is she going to be okay?”
“I’m fiiiiiiine,” Raylynn answers.
“See, she’s fine.” I nod in Raylynn’s direction. “I told your husband the same damn thing.”
“She’s my best friend, you ass.” Olivia smacks my chest. “You should have called me earlier.”
“Umm, I did. When we missed lunch. Duh,” I reply, indignantly.
“What? No, you didn’t. Jameson said he called our lunch date off because he wanted to spend more time with me.” Her cheeks flush.
“Well...well...well, trouble in paradise already.” I smirk and give her a playful nudge.
“You,” she huffs. “Get out. Leave. Your damn cohort is in the waiting room. He brought you dinner.”
At the mention of food, my own stomach grumbles, reminding me that it’s been hours since I last ate. “Toodles.” I wave and step out.