“Like you and Harley?”
I groan, “Good Lord, are we still talking about this?”
“Have you seen the way that man has been looking at you all night? It’s enough to cause an inferno.”
With Liv’s words, I immediately look for him. He’s standing on the opposite side of the room, but he must sense the minute I look his way.
Liv gently elbows me. “See? How hot is that? It’s like he wants to do all the wicked things to you. Right here.”
If only. Maybe a few hours ago, before his fake reality sank in, sure. Now I think he’d rather pretend we never met.
“Right. That’s exactly what he’s thinking.” I play along but I’m shocked when Harley nods his head toward the door, like he wants me to follow him.
“Oooo, I saw that. Go get ‘em, tiger. We’re pretty much done here.” Liv nearly shoves me forward. “We’ll catch up at lunch tomorrow. Don’t forget!”
Damnit. I guess we really are going to hash this out tonight. At least we survived the wedding without murdering each other.
Harley’s waiting for me outside with that damn scowl back on his face.
“Walk with me for a minute,” he says softly but firmly.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? You’re not going to do something crazy like drown me, or murder me and hide the body, are you? Maybe we should just stay here,” I deadpan.
The tiniest grin plays at his lips. “I’m a goddamn cop. I’m not going to hurt you. Come on.”
I take his cue and walk beside him along the parameter of the resort and out onto the sandy beach where our friends tied the knot just hours before. The silence is deafening, and I want to speak up, but I don’t know if he’s ready to listen.
“I don’t do shit like this. I’m not that guy,” he finally says, stopping near the shoreline.
“You don’t do what? Have one-night stands? I’m not judging.” Hell, I don’t usually either. But I know it’s not the one-night stand part he’s talking about.
Harley turns and faces me. “That’s not what I mean. I don’t condone cheating, and I damn sure don’t want to be the guy you hooked up with, while another man’s ring is on your finger.”
“You mentioned my fiancé earlier, but in case you still haven’t noticed, I’m not wearing another man’s ring on my finger.” I wave my hand in front of his face before crossing my arms over my chest, I try my best to remain levelheaded and not go off on him. “See you only have half of the story. Yes, I was engaged. I’m not now, and none of that has anything to do with you. Us? What we had was a fling. Nothing more. I’m not that girl. I don’t cheat on people. Never have and damn sure never will.”
His mouth drops open, then closes and he runs a hand across his face then sighs. “Fuck. Raylynn, I’m real damn sorry.”
“You know what they say about people who make assumptions.”
He huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, yeah I do. You end up looking like an ass. Just like I do right now.”
“Sawyer and I broke up before I even set foot on that plane to come to Hawaii. Our breakup is the whole reason I flew in early. If not, we would have never met that first night.”
“I’m sorry. Once I put all the pieces together, I realized you werethatRaylynn. The bestie from Paris with the hotshot fiancé.”
“And instead of asking me right away, you acted like a dickhead. You assumed the worst about me.” Is it wrong that his accusations sting? Sure, we’re nothing, but damn if it doesn’t hurt that he thinks I’d cheat on someone.
“That’s exactly what I did.” He looks down and kicks at the sand. “I’m sorry.”
“Sawyer and I broke up because I found him fucking some slut from Accounting,” I confess, laying it all out on the line for a guy who is practically a stranger.
Harley hisses. “Shit, shit, shit. Damnit Raylynn, I am so sorry.”
“Yeah me, too.” We’re both silent for a beat then I add, “Good talk. I’m going to head back.”
“I’ll walk you back.”
“No thanks. I’ve got it. I could use the time alone.”