Page 25 of Strip Search

He gives me a gentle smile and nod before I practically run out of his office to get back to work.

Four hours later, I’m getting ready to head out for my lunch break when Cole summons me into his office again.

“What do you want now?” I grumble. I really was looking forward to getting out of here for some fresh air.

“You ditched me the other day. Have lunch with me now?”

“Cole Davenport, if I didn’t know better, I would think you’re asking me out on a date.” It’s meant to be a joke, one that I regret the minute the words leave my mouth because of the look on his face. “Hey, I was kidding,” I immediately defend.

“What if I was.” He pauses. “Asking you out on a date?”

Oh fuck.I did not see that coming.

“Making me nervous here, Gorgeous.”



“One date. You buy me lunch; a drink and I get the afternoon off.”

Cole bursts into laughter and stands up from his desk. “Glad to see your negotiation skills have improved over the years. Let’s go.” He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me out of his office. While I try to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.


Tonight, atThe Landing Stripfeels different. For one, I am on high alert and Cole is too. Before I leftCole Security, he pulled me back into his office and told me he updated Dallas on what was going on. Then he filled me in on our new game plan. Apparently, Cole’s now going to take an interest in me at the club.

Thatwas the topic at lunch and now I’m even more fucking confused than ever.

If this isn’t a terrible fucking idea, I don’t know what is. The last thing I need is Cole distracting me with fake attention. So far tonight, he’s hit on me and every time I approach the bar he touches me.

I’ve spent the first half of my evening telling myself that it’s no different than any of the other creepers in her, except I know it is. Because it’s Cole. Because every touch feels like something more. Something I crave.

Right now, I’m so thankful for the fifteen-minute break Dallas just put me on.

I’m heading back to the employee locker room when I hear a sniffle in the hallway. Turning my attention to the noise, I find another new girl. One who just started tonight. She’s hunched over and crying, silent sobs shaking her body, when I approach.

“Hey,” I whisper, careful not to startle her.

She looks up at me with red-rimmed eyes. “Oh...I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone was back here.”

Taking a good look at her, I realize she looksmuchyounger than the rest of us. Alarm bells immediately ring out in my head.

“Are you okay?” I keep my voice low and calm.

She stands and shakes her head. “I’m fine.”

“Roxy!” Lola shouts, heading our way with her hands on her hips. “I told you to get your ass out there and start waiting tables. I don’t have time for your dramatics.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Roxy stands straighter and starts to move but Lola doesn’t give her a chance.

In one swift movement, Lola rears back to swing at Roxy. Thankfully I’m quicker than her and I grab her arm before she makes contact.

“Whoa, Lola! Calm down. Roxy here was heading back out when I bumped into her and she fell, hence the tears. How about you take a chill pill?” I do my best to let her know I’m not backing down and she’s not going to get away with this with the tone of my voice.

Lola snatches her hand away from me and lands a blow to my cheek with her other hand. “Fine, you can take her punishment, you little bitch.”

She. Did. Not.