I keep my expression neutral at her slip but fear flickers through True’s eyes.
“Would you like Brenna to show you up to the bathroom?” I ask.
True nods. “I don’t understand. Master Logan said it was his house.”
“It is. We all live with him.”
True glances back at the dining table. “Everyone? How? Like, I get you live here because you’re engaged.” She nods at my ring. “But how does everyone fit? This place doesn’t seemthatbig.”
“Some days it does feel like this many people live here because we love having guests but right now, it’s just four of us. Logan, me, Mac, and Brenna. Oh, five, because Livvy lives here, too.”
“She’s your daughter?” True asks.
I shake my head. “She’s Logan’s daughter.”
True’s eyes bounce from Logan to his lapful to me. “But not yours?”
“Nope, not yet. Maybe someday.” I don’t use the wordadoptionbecause Bren’s told me how difficult that word can be for foster kids.
True looks like she’s mulling our living situation over with great seriousness. I wave to Bren and ask her if it’s okay if True uses her bathroom. Bren nods. She holds out her hand to True. “Should we scavenge Emily’s wardrobe for something you’ll be comfortable in? Emmy has the best clothes.”
True glances at me warily. I nod. “You’re welcome to borrow anything. Comfy clothes for a blanket fort and movie are mostly in the dresser. Bren knows where everything is.”
“Okay, thanks,” True says. “I have my own clothes but everything’s back ... um, in New Jersey.”
“Borrow anything you like,” I confirm.
Brenna leads True off through the great room while I return to Daddy’s side.
Once Livvyand I are tucked up in Daddy’s arms, I tip my head up and whisper in Daddy’s ear, “True asked if there was a lock on the bathroom door. Do you think she’s being abused?”
“I don’t want to jump to conclusions until she tells us more, sweetheart,” Daddy responds. “But feeling safe is very important to her, and people who have never felt unsafe aren’t as single-mindedly focused on being safe, so I think it’s a good betsomethingthat makes her fear for her physical safety is going on.”
“I didn’t expect her to be so young, Daddy,” I admit.
“She’s told us she’s nearly sixteen but she could be lying.”
She’s a small sixteen if that’s how old she is but I was an extremely small sixteen, so I shouldn’t question her.
“I hate that she’s so young and so alone, Daddy.”
Logan sighs. “Baby, I’m concerned for her, too but this isn’t something we need to take on right now.”
He’s right. We’ve got a lot going on. Still.
“We could just be her friends. And take her to see the Rexes this afternoon with Livvy?”
Daddy chuckles. “Yes, we can do that, baby doll. Mac and I probably need naps first, though.”
“You could nap while we watch a movie.” After he nods, I add, “She said she knows I’m a little. She asked me about it. Was I right about her being a subbie?”
“Uh-huh. I had to explain that Mac and I are Doms but we’re not her Doms. She’s having some trouble getting her head around that. She thinks she’s looking for a Dom but I think she’s just searching for a sense of safety.”
“Those things aren’t mutually exclusive, Daddy.”