Myles sits down on the L of the couch, his profile to us. He snaps his fingers and after a moment, Cappa folds himself down on the floor between Myles’ feet. Myles rests his hand in Cappa’s glossy, black hair.
Manny eyes this display but doesn’t comment. “You comin’ to Mass with us?” he asks.
Myles shakes his head. “I’m out of town. Logan, do you want me to review your physical security before I go?”
“You met Miranda in England?” At his nod, I ask, “Do you think it’s necessary?”
“I think she’s determined,” he responds. “Happy to do it before I go.”
“Yeah, if it’s no bother.”
“It’s no bother.” He clears his throat. “I was hoping to come to the group again but I’ll be traveling. You’ll give my regrets to Ginger and the others?”
“I will.” I put away whatever concerns I have about Myles being around littles. “We’ll miss you.”
He nods but doesn’t lift his eyes beyond Cappa’s head. “You’ll keep an eye on this boy while I’m gone? Make sure he stays out of trouble?”
Cappa huffs. “I’m neverintrouble.”
I snort. “I will. Cappa, there’s an outing after playgroup?—”
“Emily already invited me. Fleur’s coming, too.”
My baby doll. Her efficiency is terrifying. “Great. We’ll check your schedule and make any adjustments then. Myles, do you know when you’ll be back?”
He shakes his head. “It takes as long as it takes.”
I know those kinds of missions. “No worries.”
“Thank you.” He’s quiet for a moment, then says, “I want you to try what we talked about for a week.”
Cappa turns crimson. He draws his knees to his chest. “Four days.”
“Five. If I’m not back by then, I’ll text to release you.”
Abstinence? Orgasm denial? Cock cage? I’m betting it’s one of those. Blood rushes to my groin at the thought. Emily hates orgasm denial but it’s a big turn-on for me. If Cappa’s going to be suffering this week, maybe my baby girl needs to suffer alongside him for a day or two.
“Five and I’m done at midnight no matter what.”
“Agreed,” Myles says. In the shadow of his hair, his smile flashes. “Logan, I’ll text you the extra rules Cappa’s agreed to.”
I give Cappa a slow, evil grin. “I’ll be rigorous in enforcing them while you’re gone.”
Cappa groans.
After dinner, and yet another Hearts Battle Royale, which Emily wins, people filter away, leaving Mac and me watching a match while Emily and Brenna lay on cushions at our feet. Bren’s got her tablet and digital pen and is working on a sketch. Emmy’s reading something on her phone while she rocks Livvy’s bassinet. I don’t quite understand the schedule Emily’s followingbut her friend Gracie swears that it’ll have Livvy sleeping through the night from seven to seven. Livvy’s down for the “little sleep” now. We’ll wake her at ten for a feed, a play, and a bath before her “big sleep.” Emily’s told me to block off an hour around ten p.m. every night for the next few weeks until Livvy settles into the seven-to-seven routine.
Since I was utterly gobsmacked at how well Livvy slept last night after hearing horror stories about newborns waking every hour, I’m not arguing.
The doorbell rings and I tap my phone to bring up the door camera. A heaviness settles in my gut when I see the face I least want to see.
I lift my eyes from the phone screen to meet Emily’s hazel eyes. “Miranda’s at the door. You do not need to talk with her, interact with her, or even look at her.”
She frowns briefly but her face smooths. Her lips move and I can see her subvocalizing her mantra before she says, “Yes, Daddy.”
Bren sets her tablet aside and rolls to her feet. She pulls on Mac’s shirt that’s been lying over the end of the couch. “I have something to say to the Mir-bitch.”
While I can only see the possibility of violence in Brenna confronting Miranda, I nod.