What I felt for him was only getting stronger by the day and it scared me shitless. We spent all our nights together, either researching The Order or sometimes just lying on the floor in front of the fireplace together. I was so attracted to him, but it wasn’t only physical. I felt like I was finally getting to know him, in a way even his closest friends didn’t, and it made me feel special. I loved the way he blushed, and how eager he got whenever I shared my body with him. The way he’d hold me afterward. Everything was perfect.
Which was why I couldn’t help but think it would be coming to an end soon. Nothing this good could last.
Still looking at him, I noticed he was now frowning at me and realized it was because my smile had slipped.
Then my eyes strayed just a few inches away from his and I got caught in an icy glare. Eyes even brighter than Konstantin’s.
His mother’s.
Adna Korolova was looking at me like she could see through my soul. I gulped but didn’t dare glance away. I knew that, just like her kids, she would take it as a weakness. And for some reason, I did not want her to think of me as weak.
When the lights in the room dimmed down and music started playing, that’s when she finally looked away to focus on the stage and I could do the same with a sigh of relief.
Checking on Briar and Mia, who sat on either side of me, I noticed both of them had expressions of grief on their faces as the ballet started. Sinem, who sat next to Briar, caught me looking and sent a small, reassuring smile my way.
I felt like I’d barely seen her those past few weeks. She was always disappearing in the middle of the day, especially on the weekends when classes were off. We mostly talked via texts and ate lunch and dinner together. After Briar came back to school, a week after her operation, Sinem was always there for her, helping her get to class—which was easier for her to do since they were both art students—and we took turns along with Mia to help her get dressed in the mornings and at nights, which she couldn't do alone with the cast taking up the majority of her leg.
The first time was my turn and while I helped her into her skirt, Briar crumbled down, sobbing on my shoulder. It wasn’t easy for her, having to relearn how to do everything from her wheelchair, but the doctors said it wouldn’t be forever.
They also said there was no way she would be able to dance professionally, but at least she should make a full recovery in terms of being able to walk.
The ballet started, opening with Prince Siegfried’s birthday celebration and I soon found myself drawn into it. When it was time for Katarina Korolova’s first scene, I was transfixed by the way she moved. She looked like she was floating. Her steps were all carefully placed, a testament to the years of practice she’dhad; even her facial expression was serene, like she was only at peace when dancing. She made an amazing White Swan.
The show was amazing: everyone put their heart into it and it was pretty obvious. My gaze got lost in the crowd and somehow ended up on Atticus Benetti’s face. He never noticed me staring because his eyes were on the girl on stage; he stalked her every move. It wasn’t the first time he’d attended a show here, and every time it was implied that he’d done it as a way to court Viola, but the look in his eyes as he watched Katarina twirl said otherwise.
Or maybe it was just me.
After the third act, it was time for the entr’acte and I took it as an opportunity to go to the bathroom. I excused myself from my friends and made my way out, careful not to look Konstantin’s way.
By the time I came out of the stall and started washing my hands, I was alone and took that opportunity to check my makeup. Since this was a school event that parents attended, the admin insisted we all dressed up. Other than the customary little black dress that every girl possessed, I only had one elegant dress in my closet and that was the one Sinem had purchased for me the day we almost got killed in the village.
The deep red made my skin pop up, Mia had curled my hair in loose waves earlier and Sinem’s talented hands worked wonders with makeup. I had to say, I loved the way I looked this evening, even if it was out of my comfort zone. Just as I was about to turn around and return to the theater, the door swung open and none other than Adna Korolova appeared.
She looked even more beautiful from up close.
And more dangerous, too.
I fidgeted with the fabric of my dress where it stretched over my thighs, not knowing what to do with myself.
It wasn’t a coincidence that she was here because her eyes zoomed in on me the very second she came in. I decided to wait for her to and make the first move, without looking away either.
She walked to me, her heels clicking on the marble floor, until we came face to face.
“So it’s you.”
Her voice was just like I had imagined it: confident and hoarse but still very feminine. I decided not to answer, still unsure about what I should say.
“You’re the girl causing trouble for my son.”
Taking a deep breath, I decided to be brave. For some reason, I wanted to make a good impression and I knew that Korolovs valued bravery.
“With all due respect, your son had it coming.”
Her eyes stopped roaming my face before settling on mine.
“Oh?” Head tilted to the side, she waited for me to continue, and I nodded despite the rosiness tinting my cheeks. “So you gave just as good as you received, I take it? An eye for an eye?”
My gaze unwavering, I said, “Yes.”