I set my arm down on the bar. “Really? That’s what you want to drink to?”
She throws her head back and laughs. “Well, just think about it. This time next week, we won’t be able to drink to it, so if you ask me, it’s a pretty good toast.”
I can see her logic, even if it is a little weird. “Fine.” I raise my glass and clink it to hers. “To my virginity.”
I gulp down the shot while she chimes in, “Oooh, and hoping you get a man that knows what a clit is.”
I choke on the shot of whiskey, and Elana starts to hoot with laughter. The people around us are all staring, but it doesn’t faze me. I give in to the moment and laugh with her. We laugh until our sides hurt and our cheeks are aching. For the first time inweeks, I’m happy. I’ve told my best friend my plan, and I’m one day closer to doing this auction and hopefully forgetting about the brooding, bearded Ben.
“Are you coming next Monday night?”
I raise my eyebrows and look at my sister Elana with my fork halfway to my mouth. We’re having our weekly dinner, and she’s only been here ten minutes and already she’s trying to talk me into going to town. “To the mayor’s shindig?”
She nods around the mouth full of spaghetti.
I take the bite and shake my head.
“Why not?”
I give her the look. The one that saysDon’t ask me stupid questions. Plus, there’s no way I can go to that event because I know that Maggie will be there. She’s been talking about it for the past week on her social media, so I’m sure she’ll be in attendance. And I already feel that I’m hanging on a ledge here. I really fucked things up with her. I shake my head to try and get the memories out of my head once and for all and direct my attention to my sister. “So what’s up? What’s new in your life?”
She scrunches her nose up. “Really? Nothing is new. All I do is work. I need a vacation.”
I look down at my plate and move the food around. “Well, do it. Take a vacation.”
She shrugs, and I’ve tried to hold off, but I can’t resist any longer. “I’ve been getting notifications from the Moonshine Mountain social media accounts. Your new social media girl seems to be doing a really good job.”
“Who? Maggie? She’s not new. Not really. She’s worked for us for over a year now, but yeah, she’s good. She has a real knack for that stuff.”
I hold back the groan. A year she’s been right under my nose, and I had no idea.
I listen to her talk about her best friend, and I’m quiet, hoping that she goes on. “She’s smart, Ben. I wish I was that smart.”
“You’re smart too.”
She snorts. “Not Maggie smart. She is just something else. She wants something, she goes for it. She works all the time, never takes any time off. Well, I mean, she asked for Friday off, but that will be her first day she’s missed since she started.”
I lean forward and try to act nonchalant even though I can feel my blood pressure rising. “Oh yeah? What did she need the day off for? You two have plans?”
Elana laughs again. “Nope, not this time. Trust me, you wouldn’t want me to do this with her.”
“What is she doing?” I ask her sharply.
Elana realizes then that she’s said too much. “Nothing. I mean, really, it’s none of our business. She never takes time off, and she’s taking one day. I approved it.”
I squint my eyes at her. “What is she doing, Elana?”
She gets up, taking her plate to the sink. “I told you, she’s taking the day off.”
I get up and follow her. “Yeah, but you’re acting all weird about it.”
She bursts out with a fake laugh before going back to the table and grabbing my plate. She won’t look at me, and that’s the best indication that something is up. “You do know she works for Moonshine Mountain. If she’s in trouble… or if she needs something, we should?—”
“You wash and I’ll dry,” she answers, thinking I’m going to drop it.