I glance at Maggie, and she’s looking at me with hope in her eyes. What was I doing thinking that I could have anything with her? She deserves more than a one-night stand, and that’s all I have to give. There are a thousand reasons why I need to walk out of here. I force the words out, and they sound lifeless and professional. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for the company, Maggie. We appreciate your hard work.”
Her eyebrows arch in surprise, but before she gets a word out, Edward joins us. I slap him on the back. “Good job, bro. Now, it’s time for me to get out of here. Let me know if you need anything.”
I walk away without another glance at Maggie. I can’t look at her because I know if I do, I may not be able to walk away.
Ben walks away without even glancing at me.
I should let him go, but as soon as he disappears out the door, I know I have to go after him.
I turn to Cole. “I’m so sorry. I need to check on something.”
Elana tries to stop me, but I tell her I’ll be right back. I don’t wait for her to respond; instead, I go as fast as I can toward the door that Ben just walked out of.
He’s already halfway across the parking lot by the time I catch up with him. Out of breath, I call his name. “Ben.”
He stops, and his shoulders rise and then fall as if he just took a big breath. I say his name again. “Ben.”
He turns, and the look on his face tells me he’s out of patience. What happened? How did he go from the man that was ready to take me home to now he doesn’t even want to look at me? “You’re just going to leave?”
He crosses his arms over his chest. “That’s what I was doing, wasn’t I?”
I rear back in surprise. He doesn’t even sound like the same man that I talked to—that I kissed—earlier. “I don’t understand. What happened back there?”
He lifts his chin, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Ben, if you changed your mind, fine. But at least be man enough to say it.”
He laughs, and the sound is ominous in the dark parking lot. “You have a lot of nerve, you know that, right?”
My mouth falls open. Is he saying that because I followed him out here? “Why? Because I go after what I want?”
He chuckles. “Oh? You want me? What about what’s-his-name?”
I shake my head in confusion. “Who are you talking about?”
He spits out the words. “What was his name? Cole?”
It takes me a moment to figure out who he’s talking about. I point toward the building I just walked out of and then I throw a hand in the air. “What does he have to do with anything?”
“You’re here on a date with another man.” He spits out the words as if he’s disgusted even saying it. Is he jealous? It sure sounds like it, but there’s no way that’s possible.
“What? I told Elana I wasn’t going to go on a date tonight. She’d already invited him, and I told her I would have a drink with him. That’s all.”
His jaw tightens, and he stares at me with his arms crossed over his expansive chest. “It doesn’t matter. You’re an employee. You work for me.”
My mind shifts to all the times I’ve been asked out by a coworker and I’ve told them no because it’s against the rules to date within the company. It was always a good excuse for me because I was never attracted to any of the men I work with. But with Ben, I’m willing to break all the rules, and that’s not like me at all. “You own the place. I think if you wanted to hook up with someone, you could.”
“So a hookup? That’s what you want? A good fuckin’?”
I can feel the heat rise on my cheeks, and I’m glad we’re outside in the darkened parking lot. He doesn’t know the truthabout me. He doesn’t know that I’m a virgin and have never considered going home with a man before. Not before now… not until him. I’m not going to tell him either because that would be just another excuse of why he can’t take me home with him. “So what? Now I’m cheap? Forget it, Ben. Forgive me for thinking there was some kind of connection between the two of us. I didn’t realize I was coming off as a desperate slut. Sorry for wasting your time.”
I turn on my heel, intent on getting away as fast as I can. I can feel the tears welling in my eyes, and I’m doing my best to hold them in.
“Maggie, wait.”