With a slight hesitation, he answers me. “We can go back to before if that’s what you want.”

I suck in a breath because it feels like I’ve been punched in the gut. Is that what he wants? Does he want to forget any of this happened? “Get a divorce? Is that what you want?”

He doesn’t answer me at first. He levels me with a stare, and when I start to fidget, he says. “No, we’re not getting divorced. I mean, we can go back to the way it was before. Friends.”

Don’t say it. Don’t say it.I tell myself that over and over, but I’m not the best listener because the words tumble out of my mouth in a blur. “That doesn’t even make sense. So we stay married... but be friends. So you want to relieve your guilty conscience when you go into Jasper and meet up with Delilah to satisfy your needs. Is that it?”

His stare drills into me. “What do you know about Delilah?”

I smirk as if it doesn’t bother me. As if the thought of him with another woman doesn’t bother me when in fact it drives me insanely jealous. “Everyone knows about the divorcee you meet up with one to two times a month.”

He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “She’s a friend.”

That doesn’t put my mind at ease in the least. He doesn’t deny that she satisfies his needs, and that pit in my stomach gets even bigger. “Right. So, friend... I guess if you can have a friend, so can I.”

“Over my dead body.”

In a strangled voice, I accuse him, “So you are fucking her?”

“No. Yes.” He groans. “Look, yes, Delilah and I used to spend time with each other. But we’re just friends.”

My voice cracks because I don’t know if I want to hear the answer or not. “Like friends with benefits?”

He takes a step toward me. “I haven’t slept with her in years.”

I scrunch my nose up at him. “Years?”

He nods and shrugs his shoulders. “Why are we talking about this?”

I tilt my head back to peer at his face. “Because you want to go back to the way things were before we got married. Which makes no sense to me. You weren’t obligated to marry me or anything. It was an OPTION. But whatever, it’s done. Now we just need to navigate where to go from here.”

I take a few steps away from him and lean against the fence in front of me. I look out at the mountains and take it all in. I get lost in thought as I try to figure this all out. He acts as if he doesn’t want to be married to me, but he also makes a point to claim me at every moment. I chance a look at him over my shoulder, and he’s staring at my ass. I turn away, and a thrill goes over me. After that kiss, after the way he pleasured me the other night, there’s no denying he wants me.

I grab my truck keys out of my pocket and dangle them between my fingers before turning to face him. “I guess we’ll just need to figure things out, Cole. We’re married, and you’rewanting to go back to the way things were before. I’m not going to live my life as a virgin.”

I wait for my words to sink in, and it’s apparent he’s not happy about it by the look that registers on his face. Before he can answer me, I hold my keys up. “I better go.”

It takes him three strides to get in front of me and block my path to my truck. His hand wraps around my elbow. “What does that mean, Sassy?”

I flutter my lashes at him, all wide-eyed and innocent. “Exactly what I said.”

I pull my arm from his grip. “I have to go. I’m going to the cattlemen’s meeting tonight.”

He follows me to the truck and opens my door but positions himself so that I can’t get in. “Since when do you go to the cattlemen’s meetings?”

His eyes study my face. I know he sees more than he lets on, and there’s no hiding it from him. “Since my father has been unable to.”

Emotions float across his face.Pity, possession, and then something else. Something that I can’t name but makes me feel that he’s about to either kiss me or hold me. Right now, I’d take either. This roller coaster of emotions he has me on is keeping me on my toes. I wait with bated breath for him to touch me, but he doesn’t. I point to the inside of my truck. “Can you let me in?”

He takes a step back, but I still have to slide my body along his to get to my seat. His hardness against my softness has me going slowly, enjoying the feel of his body against my own. When I get into my seat, I let out a breath. He’s blocking my door, but he moves, holding it open. “I’ll pick you up at six.”

He shuts the door, and I lean out the window. “What? I can drive-“

He shakes his head and starts to walk away as if the conversation is already over. “I’ll pick you up at six.”

I watch him walk toward his house, and as I pull around to drive down his driveway, I see him standing on the porch watching me. He doesn’t lift a hand and wave, nothing, just watches me as I drive away.