I walk into the breakroom to put my purse away when I realize I left my lunch in my car that is sitting on the highway between Whiskey Run and Jasper.Damn, can this day get any worse?

“So tell me all about it!”

I turn quickly when I hear Lila come in the door behind me. I had called my friend earlier in the week and filled her in on everything. She’s looking at me with a worried gaze, no doubt thinking something’s happened. “Uh oh, what’s going on? Please tell me he did not fuck up again.”

I roll my eyes and try not to take offense because I know she’s just worried about me. “No, he did not fuck up. It was just a rough morning.”

She giggles as she opens the locker next to mine and puts her purse away. “Oooh, rough, huh? Is that how you like it?”

I playfully swat at her. “Har, har, funny.” I clear my throat because I know I might as well tell her. It’s not like I’m going to try and keep it from her because she’ll get it out of me. “So, uh, Ethan didn’t come with me.”

She slams her locker door. “What do you mean he didn’t come with you? Like to work today? Or...”

I close mine and avoid her gaze. “No, I mean, to my house. He’s staying at the cabin.”

She holds her hands up in front of her. “Hold up. He’s staying at the cabin? Like to pack up or are you saying he’s going to live there while you live at home?”

I take a deep breath and walk over to the table to sit down. “I’m not sure. We didn’t talk about it, but I’m going back this weekend to see him.”

Her mouth falls open. “So what? He’s going to be a weekend husband? I mean, I’m not judging you, but are you sure this is what you want? What about when you have kids? Is he just going to miss it all and you all go see him on the weekends?”

I don’t even mention to her that I could already be pregnant. The truth is, I didn’t think it all through. “I’m not sure,” I tell her sadly.

She grabs my hands. “Oh Nikki... Look, it’s going to be okay. Just take it one day at a time. You said he loves you, and I mean he did pay twenty million dollars, so I have to think he was being truthful about that.”

I nod my head. “Yeah, he loves me. I think he’s just trying to figure it all out.”

She opens her mouth to say something, but I shake my head. “Let’s talk about something else. How were you last week? What’s up with you?”

She pauses, and for a second I wonder if she’s going to just let me change the subject. “Well, uh, nothing happened. I worked all week, but I do have plans for this weekend.”

By the smirk on her face, I have to ask, “Oooh, with who?”

“No one. I’m going to the rodeo.”

I slap my hand on the table and sing-song to her, “To see you know who?”

She rolls her eyes and jumps up from the table. “He’s retiring, and it’s his last ride. I want to go watch.”

I stand up and cross my arms over my chest, all the while smiling at her. “Oh, I bet you want to see him.”

“Stop. It’s not like that. My dad mentored him. He’s a friend of the family. Trust me, there’s nothing going on there. I think the buckle bunnies are more his type.”

She gestures to her plus size figure and rolls her eyes, but I don’t know what she’s talking about because she’s stunning.

The truth is, Lila’s always talked about her dad’s friend the rodeo star. It’s obvious that she likes him, but I can never get her to admit it. “Whatever you say.”

She opens her mouth, but I hold up my finger when my phone rings. “It’s Ethan. Can we talk at lunch?”

“I’ll see you then.” She hugs me quickly and walks out of the breakroom.

“Hey, you,” I say into the phone. We talked for hours last night, but I’m just as excited to hear his voice again.

“How are you?” he asks me gruffly.

I pull the phone away from my ear and look at it as if I can see his expression or something. “Uh, hey, I’m just fine. How are you?”

He’s quiet before he asks, “So you’re not going to tell me about the flat tire?”