I shake my head. “No. Better!”

Her eyes sparkle with excitement. “Oooh, okay, better... uh—” She gasps and looks around to make sure we’re still the only ones in the breakroom. “You finally lost your virginity!”

I laugh because I don’t know what it is about Lila, but it kills her that I’m a twenty-one-year-old virgin. “No, that’s not it... even better.”

Now she looks discouraged. “Really? Better than a date with the hottie doctor and losing your virginity... I have no clue what it could be. I give up. What is it?”

I reach into my purse and unfold the registration paper. My heart is hammering in my chest with excitement right now, and I don’t even know how I’m going to make it to next week. Lila unfolds the paper, and her eyes scan it. Her mouth falls open. “What is this?”

“I signed up! I’m doing it.”

Her voice is a very loud whisper. “You signed up to have your virginity auctioned off at the Breeding Bidders Auction House?”

She’s staring at the paper and shakes it at me. “Nicole, it says you get married on the spot. Oh my God, what have you done? Is it too late to back out? Damn, you’ll have to get out of it or something. You’ll have to go into hiding. You can’t do this! What were you thinking?”

I take the paper back and fold it up before putting it in my purse. I knew she’d be surprised, but I wasn’t prepared for that reaction. I walk across the room to put my purse and belongings into my locker. “I’m not backing out. I want to do this.”

Lila’s chair scrapes across the floor when she gets up and follows behind me. “Honey, damn, I thought you were getting better. Look, let’s make an appointment... let’s talk to someone.”

I slam the locker door closed. “Lila, look, I love him, and I have to find a way to move on—with or without him.”

She leans against the lockers. “I’ve heard of these things before. They’re high-dollar auctions, and I’ve heard that they let anyone in.”

I shrug. “What’s wrong with that?”

She grabs my hand. “No, I mean anyone. I’ve heard there are shifters... even aliens that can come and do the bidding.”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “You’re crazy, Lila, and none of that matters. I’m only worried about one man being there.”

It takes a minute, but when it finally clicks, her eyes get big. “Who? Ethan Cannon? You think Ethan Cannon is going to be there?”

I shrug but refuse to give up on my plan. I know it’s a good one. Maybe a little out of the ordinary, but this is the first thing that’s given me hope in quite a long time.

Lila puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezes. Her face is filled with pity, and I’m sick of getting that look from people. “Honey, he’s refused to see you for a year now. Hell, he moved onto a mountain where no one can even get to him. He doesn’t answer your calls, texts, or anything else. He’s a recluse. He’s not going to be there.”

I pull from Lila’s grasp and start to pace back and forth across the small room. I can’t be mad at her because I know she’s just worried about me. “He may be there. Bobby is going to get him there.”

Lila steps into my path. “His brother is in on this? Honey, what if he doesn’t, though? Some random guy is going to bid on you and what—you’ll get married to him instead?”

“He’s going to be there!” I tell her, refusing to even think that there is another option.

She shakes her head. “Nicole, I’ve tried to be a good friend. I’ve tried to give you time to grieve your relationship. Hell, I know how much you love him, but this is crazy. I can’t just stand by and let you do this.”

I grab on to Lila’s hands and hold them between us. “You’ve been such a good friend to me. I know I was lucky to get this job at Jasper Hospital, but meeting and being your friend has been the best part of it. You didn’t know Ethan and me when we were together. I love him, and I can’t let go. I can’t. This is it. This is the only thing I can do that will force his hand. I know it’s crazy. Hell, I know it’s not practical and there’s a thousand things that could go wrong, but even knowing that, I still want to do it. That has to tell you something, Lila. I’m not crazy, I haven’t lost my mind. I just need Ethan back, and I’m willing to do whatever I have to do to make it happen.”

She wants to argue with me and tell me I’m crazy. She’s not happy about this one bit, but she’s seen the hell I’ve been through this past year, and she has to know how much Ethan means to me. I can’t give up on him. I know the crap he told me in the hospital was him trying to save me. I had hoped once he was out of the hospital, he would come to his senses, but he never did. This is the only solution I could come up with. I know it’s a far-fetched and crazy plan that could end really badly, but I don’t care. I have to do whatever it takes. “Please, Lila. Don’t judge me for doing this.”

Her eyes light up with indignation. “Really? You think I’m judging you for this? I’m not. I just don’t want to see you hurt again, that’s all.”

I slowly release a breath. “That’s just it. Nothing can hurt me like this past year. I have to believe that when he sees me standing up there, knowing that I’m going to be leaving with whoever bids on me, he’ll have to take action, Lila.”

Her lips draw into a thin line, and she asks me the one question that I’ve been avoiding asking myself. “What if he doesn’t bid? What if he doesn’t even show up?”

I jut my chin in determination. “Then I’ll be forced to move on. The contract I signed says that I’m auctioning my virginityand a marriage happens on the spot, so this time next week, I’ll be married to the love of my life or to someone I don’t know. I have to believe that whatever is meant to be will be.”

Lila shakes her head and groans. It’s obvious she thinks I’m crazy, but she’s also my best friend. I told her my plan because I know in the end, she’ll stand by me no matter what I do, and her next words prove just that. “Fuck! Okay, I have your back, Nicole. Whatever you need from me, I’m here for you.”

I clap my hands together excitedly. “Okay, you’ll see. It’s all going to work out.”