I pull into his driveway and spot his truck sitting next to the barn. I pull in next to it and get out. Every time I’m here, it takes my breath away. His ranch is what dreams are made of. I barely get a few steps out of the truck and I see Cole walking out of the barn. His walk is self-assured and confident. He’s got his dark denim jeans on, and his hat is low on his head. I take in the way he has his shirt rolled up to his elbows, showing off his muscled forearms. Already, my heart is starting to race, and he’s like 15 feet from me.
“Hey, Cole.”
He stops suddenly and turns to me. He doesn’t smile or even acknowledge me, and my nerves settle in. I go around his truck and stop a few feet from him. “Do you have time to talk?”
He nods but still doesn’t move.
Nervously, my hands fidget together. “Okay, uh, well I wanted to tell you that I got things lined out with what had to be paid. I wanted to give you back what was left, and I hoped maybe we can talk about a payment plan or something.”
I can’t read his expression, but his voice tells me that there’s no arguing with him about this. “You’re not paying me back.”
I putmy hand on my hip. “I have to.”
He shakes his head. “We’re not talking about this, Sassy. Forget it. We don’t ever have to talk about it again.”
My heart stutters in my chest. What does he mean we don’t ever have to talk about it again? Is it the money he’s talking about or all of it? I mean, we’re married. We didn’t have to be; that was his choice, but it still remains that we’re married. “So we’re not going to talk about what exactly, Cole? The money, the other night, the fact that we’re married? Or have you already forgotten?”
He takes a step toward me and then stops suddenly. His hands are in fists at his sides. “The money. We’re not going to talk about the money. I haven’t forgotten that we’re married, and I sure as fuck haven’t forgot about what happened when you came on my tongue the other night.”
I can feel the heat rise in my face, but I push forward. “Right. So are we going to talk about it?”
Before he can answer me, Cole’s foreman, Jake, comes out of the barn. “Boss, wait a minute-“
He cuts off when he spots me standing here. He eyes me from the top of my newly cut hair to my boots and then back up again. “Sassy, is that you? Well, aren’t you a sight. You sure have grown up.”
I lock my hands behind my back. I’m always nervous when people compliment me. I guess it’s because I’m not used to it. “Thank you.”
He nods and starts walking toward me. For the first time since Cole saw me, he starts to move. He positions himself between Jake and me. “What do you need, Jake?”
Even though Cole sounds rude, it doesn’t faze Jake. “The feedlot called. Their delivery truck is broke down in Jasper, so I’m going to town to get our order. You need anything while I’m there?”
Cole shakes his head. “No, I can’t think of anything.”
Jake nods and looks past Cole to me. “What about you, Sassy? Need anything? I can drop it off at your ranch on my way back through.”
I shake my head. “No, I think we’re good.”
He nods, smiling. “How’s your dad?” Before I can answer, he continues, “I haven’t seen him in a long time. I should come over and see him. Maybe I can take you out to dinner or something afterward.”
I know I look like a fish as my mouth opens, closes, and opens again. Speechless, I’m about to stutter something when Cole holds his hand out. “You can shut that shit down right now.”
Jake starts to laugh and pats Cole on the shoulder. “It’s all right there, big brother. I’ll have her home by midnight.”
Jake goes to take a step toward me, and Cole moves in front of him. “I’m not her brother, and you won’t be taking her out.”
They both are tense, staring at one another. I’ve never in my life been in a situation like this so I just stand here, not knowing what to say. All I do know is that Cole is pissed. I reach for him, putting a hand to his back. He turns and looks over his shoulder at me. He glares as if he’s pissed off at the world, but when he sees my crestfallen face, his features soften.
Idon’t want to scare Sassy. It’s obvious she doesn’t know what to think with Jake and me squared off against one another. I try to smile at her, but I’m sure I look more like I’m grimacing than anything.
But there’s no way I’m going to stand by and let him think he has a chance with Sassy because he doesn’t. Not a chance in hell.
I take a step toward Sassy and thank God she doesn’t back away. I put one arm over her shoulder and glare at Jake. “You won’t be taking her out, Jake, and I’ll tell you why. You’re asking to take my wife out on a date, and you should know me well enough to know that I don’t share.”
Jake and Sassy both gasp. I’m sure I’ve surprised Sassy. We haven’t talked about the marriage or anything, but I’m sure she didn’t expect me to announce it to anyone either. I’m a little surprised myself, but there’s no way I’m going to let people think that she’s free because she’s not. She’s mine.