Studying Duke, I try to picture his stripper. I imagine her as blonde and well-endowed. She probably has a spray tan and wears fake lashes. I assume she speaks about her stripping like it’s an artform. I would so very much want to roll my eyes at her crap. However, if my dad likes her, I can be supportive.
Duke suddenly smiles. “You are so weird about Val. I’ve never seen you act in this silly way.”
“That’s good. People shouldn’t fall in love a bunch of times. That cheapens the experience.”
“True. But the key to staying so silly in love is to avoid having kids. Babies will cramp your love life.”
Snickering, I elbow him playfully. “You really don’t want to be a granddad.”
“No, not yet. My ego can’t handle it.”
“This is West Virginia. We know people who were grandparents in their early thirties.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Laughing, I rub my belly. “Val asked me to ditch my birth control and roll the dice with his baby-making fluids.”
“I’m sure he worded it just like that, too.”
“Oh, yeah.”
Duke laughs. “He’s so odd.”
“But in a good way, right?”
Duke flashes a grumpy look in my direction. “You’re acting overly sensitive about this shit, Lola. Let me rag on Val without my words causing you to pass a kidney stone, okay?”
“I can’t help it. Val’s heart is so open to me. It feels like he’s unprotected, and I need to wrap myself around him like armor.”
“You’re reading that wrong.”
“Probably, but I can’t help wanting to protect him.”
“Like you protected me when I had my panic attack and thought the world was ending?”
“Yeah, and that worked out great. Protecting my people is never wrong.”
Duke nods, seeming relaxed now. I ought to keep my mouth shut, but I can’t help myself.
“If you’re still with the stripper by Thanksgiving, promise you’ll invite her over.”
“She’ll want to have dinner with her family.”
“Is she close with them?”
“Yes,” Duke spits out.
“Why did you say it like that?”
“Her family won’t approve of me,” Duke says and offers a sly grin. “I’m not boyfriend material.”
“That’s horseshit. You’re a very valuable member of society. A businessman. A pillar of the fucking community.”
Duke chuckles at my outrage. “Settle your britches and stop worrying about my love life,” he says and then adds, “This thing with Val is a happy surprise. Focus on that and ignore the stuff that might upset you.”
My dad’s words turn me giddy. I instantly lean in to snuggle closer. “Love is great. It’s turning me into a matchmaker. When Val and I were riding around Tumbling Rock, I spotted a man who might interest Erin. Clover isn’t looking to date anyone, but I have a few ideas for Edith. I might even be able to find a nice lady without a judgmental family for you.”
Duke deflates immediately. “Please don’t set me up.”