“They left me!” Auntie Justice cries dramatically. “I raised them too well, and they turned out independent! I should have coddled them more!”
Uncle Court pats his wife’s head and focuses on me. “You’ve been horny and weird for days.”
“Thank you.”
Ignoring West’s snicker, Court continues, “You’re focused on the girl part of this situation.”
“She’s very hot.”
“Yes, but you’re vying to become the VP for a club full of easily agitated dumbasses. They follow Duke McGraw because he holds himself in a certain way. You need to figure out how to imitate that.”
“Can’t I simply win them over with my natural dramatic flair and shiny good looks?”
Tuesday begins clapping at my words, but I can’t tell if she’s doing so sarcastically or in genuine support. Ma-Poppy wants so badly to chime in, but she’s chosen to rest her tongue for later.
“You know,” Tuesday says, and my uncles roll their eyes, “Duke has an affable way about himself. Like when I was in his face and talking about his mom riding his dick, he barely got upset. Maybe Val’s shiny-happy-people routine will work. He’s also big and strong. I mean look at these muscles.”
I flex for everyone. The women seem impressed, and King Peepaw Jared nods approvingly. My father and uncles aren’t as awestruck. West shakes his head as if my muscles are puny, and he ought to flex his superior ones.
“Brilliant,” Tuesday says and looks at the men. “But seriously, maybe having Val pretend to be serious and tough isn’t the right move. These guys aren’t used to tyrants like Court. They’re used to a different kind of dictator.”
“Did Cubby tell you that?” Edith sneers at my sister.
“Yes. He told me lots of stuff about the club. He will make a great snitch one day,” Tuesday says and then pats my back. “And I shared all my inside info with Val. He’s well-versed in the Suns’ inner workings. I believe in him.”
This time when she claps, I know my sister is being supportive. Roxie decides to help Tuesday seem less lame byalso clapping. Alexis joins in, followed by Oana. Edith shakes her head at her sister-in-law, signaling her to stop.
“Since you’re feeling helpful,” I tell Edith, “I need you to run interference with Duke McGraw. I’ve got the aunts keeping Lola’s grandma busy. Roxie and Alexis will entertain Clover. I’ll focus on Lola.”
“And your men,” Court insists. “If you can’t do this shit, we’ll send someone who can.”
“No one gets to marry Lola except me.”
Court looks at Donovan before Pa-Emmett joins their furrowed-brow conversation. King Peepaw leans in to silently reassure the other men that I have this thing in the bag.
“And if he fucks up, we’ll fix shit,” King Peepaw throws in when the other men don’t seem convinced by his reassuring winks and smirks.
As Rawkfist members roll onto the homestead, I get my ma alone and lovingly fib right to her face, “Lola’s mother died in a horrible accident involving fire and screams. Very traumatic.”
Ma-Poppy offers me a sly grin. “Don’t bother lying. I knoweverythingthere is to know about your little miss thing. I’ve got spies everywhere, boy.”
“Ma, you’re scaring me,” I whimper, making her laugh. “But seriously, I don’t want you getting into a fistfight with Lola. I’m still going to love her afterward, but I’ll have to feel guilty on account of your black eye.”
“Wait, so you think the little hussy can take me in a fight?”
“Of course. You’re too sweet to be dangerous.”
Ma-Poppy refuses to fall for my tender lies. Suddenly, she goes still and frowns.
“You think you love her?”
“I know I do.”
“Based on what?”
“Lola and I hung out one night. I’ve been stalking her for a bit. She’s got all the best qualities.”
Ma-Poppy exhales hard. “I don’t know.”