‘No?’ A terrible regret built inside him. ‘You wouldn’t let yourself agree to a marriage you don’t really want?’

She turned on him fiercely. ‘I asked you.’


‘This isdifferent. I get somethingIwant out of this.’ She threw her shoulders back. ‘I have an element of power. Ofchoice.’

He was silent because more than anything he wanted her to keep choosing him, and that was doubly shocking.

‘We’re all shaped by our experiences, right?’ Her voice softened. ‘Sometimes we can grow beyond hurt and thrive but maybe some people can’t get past the damage and end up stunted. I think revenge only perpetuates the problem. It all becomes a never-ending cycle of pain and payment. An eye for an eye only hurts everyone.’

She was naive, wasn’t she? Or—horrible doubt bit—was she right?

‘So you would have me turn the other cheek to Cristina?’ he swallowed tightly.

‘I don’t know. Maybe she’ll never get over the past. But Jose Ramon is young, maybe all this bitterness doesn’t need to infect the next generation.’

‘She wouldn’t let me anywhere near him.’ Arms still crossed, Ramon curled his hands into fists and pressed them more tightly into his sides. ‘Said I was too much like my father and she didn’t want my influence on him. I was so angry anyway, so busy getting the company on track that I stayed as far away from them both as possible. I just made sure she got the money they were both owed. He doesn’t need the island. He should find his own project,’ Ramon muttered. ‘Shake off the family interference. He’s old enough—’

‘But he might not be secure enough. Not everyone is as independent as you,’ Elodie said.

‘You are,’ he countered. ‘You survived, totally on your own once you ran away.’

‘Not totally alone. I have friends who support me.’ She frowned. ‘You’rethe one who’s totally alone.’

‘I have an army of highly skilled assistants.’

‘Do they offer emotional support?’ she challenged. ‘Or do they help you keep everyone else at a distance?’

‘I don’t need emotional support.’

‘Everyoneneeds emotional support.’

‘Okay, fine,’ he snapped grumpily. ‘Emotionally support me then. Come to this damned gala. I would like you there with me!’

He stared at her, stunned by his own outburst. What was hedoing? Since when did he ask anyone for touch, for company, for comfort the way he asked her? It had slipped out of him unbidden, yet so easily.

But before he could pull back, she was there—soft and warm, her lips an inch from his—as she promised, ‘Of course I will.’


ELODIEHADFASTENEDthe diamonds around her neck and checked her appearance. She’d opted for black, not wanting to draw additional attention tonight. She actually wanted to lookappropriate. When he’d first mentioned the gala she’d been reluctant but she would go there for him. She wished Ashleigh was here so they could catch up but Bethan had taken her to Edinburgh for a long weekend as a surprise treat. Her friend was truly the best.

‘Going for the black widow look?’ Ramon teased when he walked up behind her. ‘My relatives would adore you if you followed through on that.’

She turned. He looked sharp as ever in the dark dinner suit. ‘I don’t think they’d want me to kill off the man responsible for their gravy train.’

But as they walked out of the house a shiver of trepidation rippled through her.


‘Why would I be?’ She drew on her old confident armour. ‘I’m not scared. I like a party.’

‘Such bravado, Elodie,’ he jeered softly. ‘It’s thefamilythat scares you.’

‘Yeah, well, you have to admit they were pretty fearsome in Cornwall.’

‘Don’t worry, tonight is too public for much drama. They’ll all act as if everything is just fine.’