was having a great time catching up with family and old friends, but I realized that Porsha was gone for a while now. I hope everything is okay. I was about to head to the restrooms when I saw her and Chandra walking to the dance floor. Chandra walked past me without even speaking, which had me a bit rattled. I turned to Porsha, who looked sad.
“Is everything okay?”
She nodded. “Yeah, everything’s fine. We ran into your mom earlier. Did you know she was in town?”
I shook my head. I really didn’t know she was in town for the party. She didn’t even tell me anything until she showed up, as if it was her birthday party. I loved my mom, but sometimes, she could be a bit overdramatic.
“I didn’t know until she showed up here.”
“Typical Mama Porter fashion.”
She looked at me, surprised I even called her that. “Wow, we really are making progress.”
“Why you said that?”
“You haven’t called me P in a long time.”
“I called you that earlier with Abuela.”
“I know; I guess it’s still a shock that we’re slowly on speaking terms.”
“We always were. I guess the last few days have made us see things differently. It’s as if we’re going back to how things were before.”
Porsha smiled. “If only if that was possible.”
“You don’t think it could?”
“Too much has happened for us to be where we were before.”
“That’s true that we can’t go back to how things were, but it could mean that things could be better.”
I could tell something was bothering Porsha, as she gave a tiny smile. “It could, right.”
“Is everything okay? You seem kind of distant.”
“I’m fine. It just been a lot today.”
“Like what?”
“Seeing your mom for starters.”
I took a deep breath. I knew the two had a rocky relationship while we were dating, My mom was pretty overprotective of me while Porsha only wanted to love me. She felt my mom was always interfering, which I had to talk to her about on numerous occasions.
“I know things were rough between you two.”
“Rough isn’t the word, Remy. She’s a bit of a dictator.”
“There were times she was overdramatic, which I did put her in her place a few times.”
“Well, we don’t have to worry about that now since we’re not together.”
“Don’t let Abuela hear you say that.”