Page 79 of Enzo DeLuca

“Anyway,” Eve said. “I’ve got to get back to my food. What’s up?”

“I’ll be home later than normal.”

“Why? Because I’m cooking?”

Yeah. “No. I’ve... It’s family related.”

“Oh. Gotcha,” she said.

Enzo smiled. It felt good to have a partner who understood him and who didn’t push him to explain things over the phone.

“Okay,” she continued. “See you tonight. I’m hungry, so I may eat a little before you get here.”

Good. She’d taste it first. If it wasn’t good, she’d have time to find something else for them to eat.

“Alright,” Enzo told her. “See you later. Call me if you need me.” What he’d wanted to say was,call me if you need me to bring home dinner.

“I can’t call you if I need you, Enzo,” Eve told him.


“If I called you whenever I needed you, I’d be calling you every second of every day.”

This motherfucker!Was his grown ass blushing?

“You’re swooning, aren’t you?” she asked.

Enzo laughed.

“Go ahead and admit it,” she told him. “I made you swoon.”

“You’re getting spanked when I get home,” he promised.

“I’ll be waiting. And I’ll call you if there’s an emergency. Get back to work. And be safe, don Enzo.”

“Always, il mio cuore.”Always, my heart.

Enzo ended the call. When he lifted his head, Stefan was standing in the doorway staring at him.

“What?” Enzo asked, wiping the silly grin off his face.

“You two are... strange,” Stefan told him.

“I know.” Enzo rose to his feet. “Let’s get the Cattaneos and head to Lino’s. It’s time to plot some shit.”

After arriving at Lino’s, Enzo surveyed the crew Lino had put together. It was a good crew. They’d get the job done. One of Enzo’s soldiers was familiar with the facility the young Cattaneo was being held in. It was an abandoned place where drug dealers often met their clients to sell product. The soldier drew out a map of the inside of the facility and the streets leading to it. There were no cameras in the area.

That didn’t mean the kidnappers hadn’t set up some of their own. Their first objective was to check for cameras. There were indeed some in and near the building. The Cattaneo hacker, Romeo Cattaneo, spent the rest of the evening trying to hack into the system. While he did that, the rest of them plotted. Enzo chose a location to take the kidnappers after they rescued the young Cattaneo.

He didn’t want to torture them in the same place they found them. Especially not since he didn’t know what kind of schedule the kidnappers were working with. Back up, or the next shift could show up at any time. He and his team were already taking a chance by going in without knowing who they were going up against.

They didn’t want to increase their risk for fuck ups by doing stupid shit. Luckily, Lino put a good team together. After Romeo gained access to the cameras, they were able to get a grainy black-and-white view of what was going on at the facility. There were no cars parked in front of the building. However, there were three in the back. The camera from the road leading to the facility showed another vehicle parked about a mile away.

His team decided they would park far enough away from that particular camera, and then a crew would go in on foot to take out the people in the car as silently as possible. Romeo had already gotten the cameras to continue playing on a loop. Orazio traded in his bomb vest for a bulletproof one. Enzo’s team suited up. Lino provided weapons for everyone. After doing a quick check over them, Stefan told them it was time to leave.

With a plan in place, they headed out after nightfall. Enzo was anxious to get his hands on the bastard who’d set this all up. The plan went off without a hitch. His team on foot took out the first car, so those bastards didn’t have a chance to alert those in the facility. They caught their enemies unaware when they stormed the building. Motherfuckers scrambled to get their weapons.

Enzo could’ve taken the entire team out by the time one of them was able to raise their gun. But he wanted them alive. Therefore, his team aimed for their legs and hands. Gunfire filled the air. Enzo didn’t bother firing his weapon. He wanted to put his hands on a motherfucker. There were only three goons in the first room. Three more emerged from the other two rooms after the gunfire started.