"No. It's a request from me, Enzo, the man who wants you," he told her, voice filled with sincerity.
"Request denied," she answered. "Proceed with the fucking."
"What?" He stood up straight.
“Did I stutter?” she asked.
"Okay. Then yes, it is an order from your don."
"Mydon?" she asked, one eyebrow raised.
"Did I stutter?" he countered.
She burst out laughing. This woman wasn’t taking this seriously at all. Did she think he wouldn’t fuck Giorgio up? Because he would if she kept passively flirting with him. The mere thought of Giorgio staring at her all day while Enzo couldn’t see her sent anger coursing through him. Enzo grabbed Eve’s naked ass and pulled her back into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist. She clasped her hands behind his neck.
"We're not fucking on the table?" she asked innocently, like she hadn’t just pissed him off.
Enzo shook his head.
"Why not? I wanted to..."
"Because your don says so," he cut her off.
Her head cocked to the side as he strode down the hall with her.
"Well, Mr. Don, let's get one thing straight, I'm not good at taking orders."
"Yes, you are."
"I'm not. I'm telling you I'm not."
When he reached their bedroom, he entered it, then kicked the door shut behind him. Still holding her, he turned and bent down a bit to lock the door. It was a habit.
"I've gotten into a lot of trouble over the years because of my inability to follow orders," she confessed as he walked over to the bed.
When Enzo reached the edge of the bed, he tossed her onto it. "On your knees," he told her.
"That, again? I told you..."
"On your hands and knees. Now, Eve. Facing me."
He stroked his hard cock as he waited for her to obey his order. Her gaze dropped to his length. She licked her lips. He couldn’t deny that he was eager to have his cock in her mouth. Her next words proved she felt the same way.
"I'm not doing this because you told me to,” she told him. “I'm doing this because I want to."
"Now!" Enzo ordered.
She quickly went to her hands and knees on the bed, facing him. Like the vixen she was, she parted her lips, ready for him to slide his cock between them. He couldn't believe he'd once thought her shy. Now that she was growing more comfortable with him, he was seeing an entirely different side to her. Enzo couldn't choose a favorite side of Eve. He liked everything about his treasure. Stroking his cock, he took a step away from her.
Eyes widening, she asked, "Where are you going?"
"I'm not your don, remember? At least, that’s what you said." He backed up to his recliner, then sat down, still stroking his cock.
"What does that have to do with this?" she asked, gaze darting from his eyes to his cock, then back to his eyes.
"If I'm not your don, then the don's cock isn't yours either."
For a moment, she appeared confused. Then she smiled. "Is this supposed to make me obey you? If so, try again,don. You can play with the don’s cock all night long if you’d like. I'll just go to sleep." She turned to lie down.