“A firefighter wouldn’t make that type of mistake.”
“Everyone makes mistakes. Even doctors sometimes leave supplies in patients during surgeries.”
“I don’t believe you made a mistake. I believe you did it on purpose. I believe you wanted to escape but were too afraid to do so.” She didn’t say anything. “You’re quiet now. I must be telling the truth.”
“It’s apparent that you believe what you’re saying. Who am I to try to change your mind?”
“Sit on the floor.”
She did as she was told. Staring up at him, she watched him press a button on the side of the cuffs, causing them to extend.
“How did you do that?”
“These cuffs can be extended. Once locked, they won’t extend anymore.”
“Mmm,” was all she said.
Enzo squatted in front of her. In their current position, she was seated between his legs. She leaned back a bit.
“Don’t move,” he ordered.
Why was she always trying to move away from him? She sat up straight and stared at the wall behind him. He wrapped the cuffs around the base of the recliner.
“Raise your hands.”
She raised them above her head.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
She cocked her head to the side. “It’s what you said.”
“Give me your hands,” he told her.
She placed her hands against his chest. “Here you go.”
Enzo closed his eyes and prayed for patience. He also prayed she didn’t notice the hard-on he was sporting. All she’d done was touch his chest. Why the hell was he getting turned on? He opened his eyes.
“Put your hands on the floor.”
“Oh, is that what you meant?” she asked, hands still on his chest.
He leaned closer to her. “You’re testing me, Eve. Be careful. You do not want to see my other side.”
She lowered her hands from his chest and placed them on the floor near the cuffs. He clicked the cuffs around her wrists, handcuffing her to the chair. With the cuffs extended, she had enough wiggle room to get comfortable.
“Now, go to sleep.”
He stood and stepped away from her. The chair was positioned against the wall. From the bed, he’d be able to watch her while she slept. Eve laid down on the floor, then turned onto her side, facing away from him.This motherfucker!Enzo balled his hands into fists. How dare she turn her back on him?
He should be the one turning his back on her. He bent down to force her to change her position, then stopped. He was behaving irrationally again. Fuck! Enzo stepped over her and strode to the front of the room to switch the light off. The room was plunged into darkness. He stood there for a moment, allowing his eyes to adjust.
Her shadowy figure came into view. He’d hoped she’d complain again about sleeping on the floor. If she had, he would’ve told her that her only other option was to sleep in the bed with him. Even his couch was off-limits. But her ass was lying on the floor as if it was nothing. That irritated him more than it should.
Enzo stormed over to the bed. Jerking the sheets back, he climbed onto the bed, then pulled the sheets up to his chest. Staring up at the ceiling, he waited for sleep to claim him. Seconds ticked by then minutes, and he was still waiting. He turned onto his side and stared at the wall.
Why wasn’t she asking if she could sleep in the chair? Did her crazy ass really plan to sleep on the floor? She hadn’t wanted to kneel on the floor, but she was willing to sleep on the floor. What type of logic was that? Enzo turned onto his back and resumed staring at the ceiling.Sleep, where are you?
He was so damn tired. But sleep was evading him. He closed his eyes, hoping that would help. He kept his mind clear of all thoughts. Soon, sleep would come. His eyes popped open at the sound of snoring. Enzo sat up and stared at Eve. This motherfucker was already asleep.