“Good. Do the same tomorrow. I’m not currently taking calls.”
If they didn’t have access to his personal phone or to Stefan’s, then they weren’t important. Enzo entered his office, followed by Stefan, who closed the door behind them.
“It’s not a good move to have Secretary Yang ignore the phone calls coming in.”
“She’ll only have to ignore them for a week or so.” Just long enough for him to handle his family issues. Enzo pulled his coat off and hung it on the coat rack.
As he headed to his chair, he asked Stefan, “Do you think DME is finally ready to accept our contract?”
“I think so. Because of your order to destroy some of the manufacturing sites, the price of steel and cement is on the rise. The majority of companies are coming to us for building materials. If DME wants to stay in business, they’ll accept our offer of material at a discounted price and they’ll accept our contract. Since they contacted us for this meeting, I’m guessing they plan to accept it.”
Enzo nodded as he sat down. “If they don’t accept it this time, I plan to lower our offer. And I’ll continue to lower it while making sure no one else does business with them. In the end, they must work for me. Outsourcing jobs to them will give me time to rebuild DeLuca Construction’s reputation.”
“I think DME is starting to feel the pressure. The contract is as good as signed.”
Enzo pulled his phone out to check his messages. The guards from home hadn’t contacted him. That could only mean they hadn’t had any problems guarding Eve. Even so, should he call to check on her? No. Why would he do that? How hard could it be to guard one little woman? He laid his phone down on his desk just as the office phone buzzed.
Secretary Yang!
“Yes, Yang,” Enzo said into the receiver.
“DME construction is here for their scheduled meeting.”
“Send them in.” Enzo hung up the phone and then looked at Stefan. “It’s time.”
“No killing.”
“You don’t have to tell me that every hour.”
Stefan moved to the side as Yang opened the door. The CEO of DME and two of his managers entered Enzo’s office. It was another two hours before contracts were signed. Enzo ended up eating lunch in his office because he had another meeting scheduled right after lunch. It was well past five before he was able to leave Tower D.
He’d spent his entire day in meetings instead of figuring out who’d betrayed the family. According to Stefan, Enzo had gotten a lot accomplished. But Enzo didn’t feel that way. Because of him, others had gotten a lot accomplished while he was no closer to finding out who’d placed the hit on the don.
Which was why, tomorrow, he was sayingto hellwith Tower D and the other responsibilities that came with being the don. He wasn’t doing anything else until he found out who’d betrayed them. If anyone had a problem with that, they could put their mouths on the barrel of his gun.
Mind made up, Enzo stared out the window as Stefan drove him home.Home to Eve. Though he still felt like the weight of the world was resting on his shoulders, it felt less heavy when he thought of her waiting at home for him. He was ready to see his Eve. Yet, he was pretty sure she wasn’t ready to see him.
What could he do to change how she viewed him?