Enzo placed her in her chair, then straightened up.
“Bastard!” she shouted and tried to stand up.
Placing his hand on her shoulder, he prevented her from rising. The noise of pots clinking sounded from the cooking area of the kitchen. Eve’s eyes jerked to the door. Hope bloomed in her gaze.
“Hey! Help!” she yelled. “Hey! He’s holding me against my will.”
Enzo knew Maria heard Eve’s screams. The cook had worked for his family long enough to know to focus only on her job.
“You can scream all you like. No one in this house is going to disobey me. Not even you,” he told her.
“Fuck!” Frustrated, she faced him again. “When I get free...”
“Free?” He chuckled and left it at that.
“I guess I’ll be dying here then.”
“No one here is going to kill you.”
“From starvation,” she said. “Because I don’t plan on eating anything you have to offer.”
She faced forward in the chair and stared straight ahead. So, that was her stance. She was going to starve herself. If she was a man, he wouldn’t give a damn whether she starved or not. If she was a man, there would already be a bullet size hole in her head. But she wasn’t a man. She was Eve.
And he’d be damned if she starved herself. He pulled out the chair next to hers and sat down. She attempted to scoot away from him. He gripped her chair and pulled her closer. When she moved to stand up, he grabbed her and pulled her into his lap. She yelled and tried to get away from him.
With one arm wrapped around her, he reached for her plate with his free hand. Realizing she wasn’t going to be able to break free, she reached the plate before he could and swatted it, knocking it off the table, sending it crashing to the floor.This little motherfucker!Gritting his teeth, he rose from his seat, taking her with him.
“Get your hands off me! Put me down. Where are you taking me?”
If she wasn’t cursing him out, she was demanding he do something or asking him questions. Why couldn’t she just do as she was told? The door that led to the hallway opened. Stefan stared into the room, frowning when he saw Enzo carrying Eve.
“This doesn’t look like eating breakfast to me,” Stefan drawled.
“Close the door!” Enzo yelled.
“Don’t close that door,” Eve screamed.
Stefan stepped back and closed the door, leaving him alone with Eve once more.
“Fuck you!” she yelled.
He didn’t know if she was talking to him or Stefan, neither did he care. Arm still wrapped around her. He carried her to the other end of the table. He was barely able to ignore the way her breasts bounced and pressed against his arm as he walked. She was lucky he had work to do.
If he had time, he’d teach her who the boss was. When he reached his chair, he sat down, positioning her the way he wanted her on his lap. When she tried to get up, he pulled her closer, pressing her back against his front. She squirmed in his lap, attempting to get away from him. When he whispered in her ear, his voice was low, menacing.
“Keep moving like that, and it won’t be breakfast I’m putting in your mouth this morning.”
She stilled instantly. And he instantly missed the feel of her moving around on his lap. He grabbed a slice of bacon and lifted it toward her mouth. She turned her head to the side. The bacon grazed her cheek. He left it there, pressed against her cheek.
“Stop acting like a brat and eat. You’re not getting up until you eat.”
She remained silent. He tapped the bacon against her cheek.
“Pervert,” she muttered.
“What’s perverted about me trying to make sure you eat?” he asked.
“You know what I’m talking about.”