At his home. With him. Her don.
That bastard!
Eve sighed. She’d known she wouldn’t be set free after meeting the boss. Yet, she couldn’t deny a part of her had hoped for that outcome. With that option off the table, she was left with no choice but to find a way out of this place by herself. She’d been trying to do that for a while now.
It was going to be damn near impossible to get out of there. There were guards stationed everywhere. The guard in her room was standing there, facing forward, staring at the wall. He was dressed in all black. Though he wasn’t holding a weapon, she knew he was strapped. If she made the wrong move, he wouldn’t hesitate to take her down.
But would he kill her? She could stand a beating. Been there, done that. But she wasn’t so far gone that she was ready to die. She had to live. Whether she wanted to or not. Eve glanced at the guard again.
“Are you planning to spend the night with me?” she asked, wondering when he would leave. Her question hadn’t flustered him the way she’d hoped.
Without looking at her, he said, “I won’t leave until I’m told to.”
“Oh, well, you may leave.There, I told you.”
“I won’t leave until the don or Stefano tells me to.”
Damn. “They’re gone already,” she reminded him. He didn’t respond. “If they don’t come back, you’re planning to stay here all night?”
“I’ve already answered that question,” he told her, eyes straight ahead.
Eve gritted her teeth. She’d never been a very patient person. Her New Year’s resolution was to work on her patience. January wasn’t even over yet, and she’d already lost her sister, came upon a murder scene, and been kidnapped. The universe was testing her. Eve stood and faced the guard.
“Can you at least uncuff me so that I can sleep?”
“The cuffs don’t prevent you from sleeping.”
“Yeah, but they do make it uncomfortable.” The guard ignored her. “The last guard cuffed my leg to the bed so that I wouldn’t have to sleep with my hands cuffed. That made things a little more comfortable.”
“I’m not the last guard.”
This motherfucker!Eve walked over to the side of the bed, then stared at the guard.
“Can you at least turn the covers back for me?”
The bastard kept staring straight ahead. She wondered what he’d do if she kicked him in the nuts.Patience, Eve.She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly before awkwardly climbing into bed. She pulled the covers up over her as much as she could. Turning onto her side, she rested her head against the pillow and kept her eyes on the guard.
“Are you really going to stand there all night?” she asked.
She hadn’t expected a reply, and he didn’t disappoint. Eve turned onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Just as she'd done the other nights, she planned to try to fight her sleep. Already, she was fighting a losing battle. The water they'd given her about an hour ago had smelled fine, it had looked fine, but she knew it had something in it to make her sleep.
The sluggish feeling that had come over her soon after drinking it had been her second clue. Her first clue had been the way the guard had watched her drink the water. He'd kept glancing at her until she'd finally finished it, then he'd gone back to ignoring her. Soon, sleep would claim her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
While asleep, she would be vulnerable. That was what she hated most about this entire experience. She hated being vulnerable. So far, they hadn't hurt her. But they could. They were capable of it. If she didn't give them something soon, they would reveal their true selves to her. The problem was, she really didn't have anything to tell them.
Other than that, she should have ignored that freaking crash scene. Everything in her had screamed for her to do so.Mind your business, that was what she’d told herself. Then she'd asked herself, "What would my sister do?" She’d been asking herself that a lot since her sister's death.
Most of the time, doing things the way her sister would, made her feel good. This time, it had gotten her entangled with the Italian mafia.Fuck my life. Groaning, Eve turned onto her side and faced the guard. His eyes were still straight ahead. The don's men were well-trained, she'd give him that.
The don. He was younger than she'd expected him to be. Then again, he was the new don. The previous don had been an older man. He hadn't even looked like he'd been in the mafia. He’d looked like a normal person. Rich, but normal. And now, he was dead. She truly thought she’d saved his life.
She’d thought he’d have his men free her when he recovered. She’d even pictured him rewarding her for saving him. Turns out, she’d put on her good Samaritan hat for nothing. And now, his grandson was determined to keep her with him until she remembered what his grandfather had told her.