Page 89 of Enzo DeLuca

Eve ducked behind the passenger seat as bullets riddled the front glass, shattering it, making it hard for the driver to see. The guard in the back seat leaned forward, reaching for her. The car lurched. Eve was slammed against the back of the passenger seat. But the guard reaching for her went flying forward, toward the front of the car.

More glass shattered. Some pieces flew onto the back seat. The car was no longer moving. But shots still rang out. Groans and mumbled words came from the front of the car. Eve leaned forward and grabbed a large sliver of glass from the passenger seat. She gripped it tightly, ignoring the pain she felt as it bit into her palm.

She leaned over to look into the front seat. The guard who’d dragged her from the house had been thrown through the windshield. Blood was dripping from the side of the driver’s head. His airbag had been deployed. The other passenger was out cold. Or he was dead. If he wasn’t dead, he would be soon.

Eve moved from behind the seat and wrapped her arm around the driver’s neck, he began struggling to get free. Using the sliver of glass, she slit his throat. Blood spurted onto her shirt sleeve and the deflating airbag. Gurgle sounds left his mouth.

Soon, he wouldn’t be making any sound. She moved to the unconscious passenger, preparing to do the same thing. The passenger side door was pulled open just as Eve pressed the glass against the man’s throat. She slid it across his jugular just as Enzo called out, “Don’t kill him. I need him alive. He’s the only survivor.”

Eve lowered the glass. It was too late.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

“It’s okay,” he told her, confusion in his gaze.

“Look at you,” she whispered. His shirt was covered in blood. Blood was even splattered on his face. “Where are you hurt?”

He shook his head. “It’s not my blood. It’s theirs. I couldn’t let them leave with you.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I didn’t think you’d show up.”

“Sorry for arriving late. Don’t cry, mia bella,” he told her as he pulled the deceased passenger from the seat and tossed him from the car.

Eve climbed over the seat to get to Enzo. He pulled her out of the vehicle and held her close. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, never wanting to let him go. Tears flowed from her eyes, and she wasn’t even a crier. She was just so happy to see him. At one point, she’d wondered if she’d ever see him again.

“Don’t ever leave my side again,” she told him. “Where you go, I go.”

His arms tightened around her as he buried his face in the crook of her neck and told her, “Ti voglio molto bene.”

“I don’t know what that means,” she cried.

“It means, I love you very much.”

More tears flowed from her eyes. “Right back at cha, don Enzo.”

She raised her head when she heard someone approaching. It was only Stefan. His clothes were also stained with blood. Just then, Eve recalled what she needed to tell Enzo. She pushed against his chest until he released her.

“The guards were all drugged with pie that Emelia bought over.” She felt like a snitch. But he needed to know. “And I finally remembered what your grandfather said to me. But I don’t know what it means.”

“What did he say?” Enzo asked.

“Perdonare piccola Em.”

Enzo looked to Stefan. Stefan sighed. Enzo lowered his head and closed his eyes.

“What does it mean?” she asked.

Enzo opened his eyes. His gaze met hers. A chill crept down her spine. She’d never seen that expression on his face before. He looked defeated. It broke her heart.

“What?” Eve whispered. “What does it mean?”

“It means, forgive little Em.”


Wow! Not only had the don known that his granddaughter had been behind the hit, but he’d also wanted her to be forgiven.

“Perhaps that was why he hadn’t wanted many guards following him,” Stefan said. “Maybe he’d known Em was against him all along.”