Chapter Twenty
As usual, Giorgio refusedto join her for lunch.
Luckily, Maria did. After the cook ate, she left. Eve did the dishes just so she could have something to do. Giorgio stepped out to see what one of the other guards wanted. It was Orto. Eve rolled her eyes. That bastard. After washing the dishes, she entered the living area to see Giorgio eating a slice of pie. He looked guilty as hell when he spotted her.
“Hmmm...” Eve said as she strode over to him. “You couldn’t eat lunch with me. But you can eat pie from... Where did you get pie from?”
“Emelia brought it.”
That bitch.
“Orto brought it in to me. She came back and brought desserts for all the guards. A thank you for protecting the Don.”
“Where’s my slice?” Eve asked, not truly expecting to have a slice.
Giorgio nodded to the end table. Sure enough, there was a slice of pie for her. She wasn’t eating that shit. But, it was nice of the bitch to leave her a slice. Ugh, she needed to stop thinking that way about Enzo’s cousin. Eve sat down on the couch. She wasn’t in the mood for television. Neither was she in the mood to read a book.
She was ready for Enzo to come home so they could do something together. Last night, they’d played the board games she’d insisted Stefan buy for them. Enzo had been in the midst of losing the game. And like the sore loser he was, instead of finishing the game, he’d tried to distract her with sex.
His distraction tactics wouldn’t work on her tonight. Eve looked over at Giorgio, who’d been standing against the wall, eating his pie. Now, he was dosing off to sleep. Eve chuckled. He’d gotten too comfortable around her. Now, he was sleeping on the job. Since she was bored, this was the perfect time to mess with him.
Eve slowly stood up and moved around the couch, approaching him quietly. When she neared him, she clapped her hands loudly, hoping to startle him. Instead, he startled her when the container he’d been eating from, tumbled from his hands and hit the floor. He followed it, crashing to the floor before Eve could catch him.
“Gio!” she shouted, dropping to her knees beside him. She turned him onto his back. His eyes fluttered open.
“Something... not right,” he mumbled.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Not right...” he started but went silent when a shot rang out.
Eve’s gaze jerked to the door. Someone was shooting. Not just one person. Multiple people. She faced Giorgio when he grabbed her hand.
“What’s going on, Gio?”
“Call...don,” he whispered before passing out.
Right! She needed to call Enzo. She felt around Gio’s pockets, searching for his phone. Her attention was pulled to the weapon in his holster. She grabbed that first. Before she could resume looking for the phone, the front door burst open. Orto entered the house. Was he there to protect them?
“Gio passed out!” Eve shouted, standing up.