“You didn’t let me finish,” Enzo told him. “You can go...to hell.”
Enzo stomped on the goon’s face, making it slam into the floor. He repeatedly stomped until blood covered his shoes and blood splatter decorated the bottom of his pants. He didn’t stop stomping until the man’s body ceased jerking. Then he took a few steps away from his enemy, moving slowly so he wouldn’t slip down in the blood.
Enzo stared at his ring. There was no longer enough blood on it. He bent down and dipped it in the blood pooling around his enemy's now unrecognizable face. He then returned to the office and pressed the front of his ring against the paper with the Adduci letterhead. The image left behind wasn’t perfect. But anyone who saw it would know what it was.
Enzo handed the paper to Stefan. “After it dries, have someone tape this to the door so the next shift can see it.”
“Leaving behind a calling card, huh?” Orazio asked as he entered the room. The eldest Cattaneo’s white gloves were covered in blood. “Mind if I leave something on it?”
Stefan looked to Enzo. Enzo nodded. Stefan placed the paper on the desk. Orazio used his bloody finger to write the letter C on the paper.D and C. The mastermind had planned to turn them against each other. All he’d done was unite them further.
“I don’t know who is behind this,” Enzo told Orazio. “I doubt the men I interrogate will know shit. The man they work for is a low-level gangster. He doesn’t even qualify as a middleman. However, I do believe someone in my family is involved. Until I find out who, I’d like it if you and your brothers could help me.”
Orazio nodded. “My cousins are handling things at home. My brothers and I plan to stay here until we find out who is behind this. While we’re here, we’ll be happy to help the DeLucas.”
“Good. You don’t have to stay in a hotel. I’ll get you set up in a house.”
“I appreciate it. We’re going to take our cousin back to our room now. Can I ask for another favor?”
“Do you have a doctor who can treat him?”
Enzo nodded. “I’ll have Lino take care of it for you.”
“Thanks.” Orazio removed his gloves, then stretched his hand out to Enzo.
After they shook hands, Orazio left the room. Though they were able to save the Cattaneo kid, Enzo wasn’t able to learn anything he hadn’t already known from the men he interrogated. He spent hours pulling their teeth and forcing them to swallow them. They said nothing because they knew nothing. Most of what Enzo did to them was for his own pleasure. After a while, he stopped and put them out of their misery.
As he cleaned his hands, he told Stefan, “We learned two things from the warehouse. Ettori Zucco is involved, and he can lead us to the middleman. Tomorrow, we’ll pay him a visit. Also, Roku Adduci is definitely involved with whoever is behind this shit. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the middleman. If he isn’t back in Italy within two days, find out where he is. If he’s in or near DeLuca territory, contact the DeLuca who runs that territory and have him capture Adduci and hold him for me.”
“I’ll take care of it,” Stefan told him.
“Have the cleaners take care of this,” Enzo told the guard next to him. To Stefano, Enzo said, “It’s time to go. I need to get home to Eve.”
Being with her was the only thing that could calm him down right now. Being with her was the only thing keeping him from doing what he really wanted to do, and that was to go on a killing spree. Being with her was saving innocent lives. Enzo hurried home to the woman who kept him from being a monster. In her arms, he was able to relax. Enzo fell asleep with a plan to awaken and locate Ettori, the gangster.
But no one could predict the future. By morning, two bodies were found in the Secchian river. One was Ettori Zucco. The other was his girlfriend. That was a sign that Enzo was getting closer to the truth of who was behind the hit on Ermanno DeLuca and the drugs in DeLuca territory. Enzo had to get to Roku Adduci before his enemies did. If he didn’t, he’d be back to square one.
If that happened, no one would be able to stop him from going on a killing spree.