Chapter Fourteen
Aguard greeted himwhen he entered the house.
“Hey, boss. Stefan had us do a sweep before you arrived. Everything is clear,” the soldier informed him.
Nodding, Enzo continued through the house. Over his shoulder, he said, “You can leave for the night.”
“Stefan said...”
“Who pays you?” Enzo called out as he continued walking, in search of his Eve.
“Yes, sir.”
He passed another soldier in the hall, who nodded at him.
“You can leave,” Enzo told him. When the man opened his mouth, Enzo said, “I don’t care what Stefan said. Leave.”
The guard nodded, then left. Enzo searched the house for Eve. She wasn’t in his room, where he’d hoped she’d be. Perhaps it was presumptuous of him to assume she’d be lying in his bed, waiting for him. She wasn’t. Neither was she in the main room or the television room. Where the hell was she? Enzo pushed down the flare of panic rising within him. His thoughts always jumped to the worst-case scenario.
It was a bad habit. One he wouldn’t be shedding any time soon. In this case, he knew Eve was safe. If something had happened to her, the guards would’ve told him. Quickening his steps, he headed to the kitchen. He pushed open the door with a force that caused it to slam into the wall. The act startled Giorgio, who was standing in the corner. The guard raised his weapon. Then he lowered it and apologized once he realized it was Enzo.
“Sorry, boss,” Giorgio apologized.
Gaze searching the room, Enzo said, “Where is...”
He paused mid-question when his gaze landed on her. There she was. His heartbeat slowly returned to normal as he stared at her. She was seated at the kitchen table. Her head was resting on her arms, which were folded one on top of the other on the table. Her light snores filled the room.
“Why is she in here?” Enzo asked Giorgio.
“You gave her free reign of the house.”
“I know. But why is shesleepingin here?”