She opened her mouth just as his phone rang again.
“Duty calls,” she told him. “You’re the don. You can’t stay in bed all day.”
Enzo sighed. “I know.”
She moved to the side. Enzo climbed off the bed and unlocked his nightstand. He retrieved his phone. It was Stefan. It was time for him to get to work. His gaze rose to Eve. He wasn’t ready to leave her yet. And he’d promised not to cuff her. But he was afraid she’d try to leave if he didn’t.
He was a man of his word. He’d keep his promise. But he couldn’t deny that he was afraid he’d come home to find her gone. She seemed to read his mind because her next words set him at ease.
“Go to work,” she told him. “I won’t try to escape. I’m a guest here, right?”
“My most treasured guest.”
“Good. So, I’ll do what guests do. I’ll watch television and read books and wait on you to come home.”
Enzo swallowed, suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling he couldn’t explain. Rather than try to figure out what that feeling was, he climbed back onto the bed and kissed Eve as if his life depended on it, as if she was his lifeline. She returned his kiss, holding on to him tightly, as if she needed and craved that intimate connection just as much as he did.
When he pulled away from the kiss, he still didn’t leave her. He stayed there holding her, staring into her eyes. He didn’t fully understand what was happening between them. Enzo sighed. Fuck it. He understood it. It was a foreign feeling to him, but he knew what it was. He was falling.
He’d realized it last night. And it had been solidified this morning. He was falling in love with Eve. But after all he’d done to her, would she be able to fall in love with him? That question was what had him feeling lost. And he didn’t like feeling lost. He wanted to force her to answer his question now.
He couldn’t do that, though. He’d give her time to think about it. During that time, he’d show her another side of him. The gentleman side of him. Still not ready to leave her, he lowered his forehead to hers.
“Tragedy brought you into my life,” he whispered. “But I’m hoping my sincerity will keep you in it.” When he raised his head, he saw tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked, brushing those tears away.
“Why are you being like this? Why are you being sincere?”
“Because I want you, Eve. I need you. You make the darkness seem less consuming.”
Tears trickled down her cheeks. “But, Enzo, my real name... my real name isn’t Eve.”
What?A loud knock sounded at the door. He looked back. The only person who could disarm his alarm system was Stefan.
“Enzo,” Stefan called out. “We had a call from Lino. He says it’s urgent.”
Fuck! He faced Eve. He hated to leave after she’d just dropped this on him.
“Go,” she told him. “I’ll explain when you return.”
He nodded, then kissed her again before climbing out of bed.
“Enzo,” Stefan called out.
“I’m coming.”Shit. He needed to shower first. “Give me twenty minutes.”
“Yes, sir,” Stefan replied.
Enzo faced Eve. “Come shower with me. Before I leave, you can tell Stefan what you need him to buy for you.”
He expected her to decline. To his surprise, she smiled as she climbed out of bed to join him. Together, they showered and got dressed. Enzo left the house with a smile on his face. A smile so big that it caused Giorgio to frown as Enzo told him to guard Eve but pretty much let her do whatever she wanted, as long as she didn’t leave the property. When he climbed into the car, Stefan voiced his concerns.
“Are you sure you want to let her roam all over your estate?” Stefan asked.
“It’s her estate,” Enzo told him as he read over his text messages.
Stefan looked back at him. “What did you say?”
Enzo only smiled. If things went his way, this estate would belong to both him and her. First, he had to find out what her real name was.