Page 105 of Enzo DeLuca

“Is that my son?” Bianchi asked. “If you hurt either of my boys...”

“Hurt?” Enzo laughed. “I don’t hurt people. I kill them. One of your sons is already dead.”


“And I’m coming for you next. For now, you get to watch your other son die.”

“Don’t. No. We can talk.”

Enzo was done listening to the don. He looked up to find Terzo approaching.

“I’ll be your videographer,” Terzo volunteered.

Enzo tossed Terzo the phone. His cousin pointed the camera at the man on the ground, who was sobbing like a bitch.

“Smile,” Terzo told the don’s son.

“Fuck you,” the man sobbed.

“Ahh. Don’t be like that,” Terzo said. “It’s your dad’s fault. He fucked with our family. Now, we’re going to kill everyone in his family.”

The don began cursing over the phone.

Terzo looked up at Enzo. “How are you going to end him? A bullet to the head?”

Enzo shook his head. “I want the don to see what’s on his son’s mind.”

Terzo nodded. “Ready when you are.”

Enzo raised his foot. The first stomp was hard enough to cause the bastard’s eyes to bulge. Enzo continued to stomp. Blood splattered over the phone and Terzo’s hands. His cousin smiled and continued recording the incident. Each stomp caused the don to yell louder. By the time the don’s son was dead, the don was sobbing as hard as his son had been. But his son was no longer crying and would never cry again.

“Give me the phone.” Enzo took the phone from Terzo. “This is on you,” Enzo told don Bianchi.

“You will pay for this, Enzo DeLuca.”

“You’re not done paying for what you’ve done yet, don Bianchi. Hand yourself over to me, or I’ll hunt down and kill every member of your family and organization until I finally get to you.”

“Fuck you,” don Bianchi cried. “This means war.”

“So, be it. Get ready for a blood bath, don Bianchi. The savages are coming for you. No one you love will survive our wrath. You took two special people from us. We will take everything from you.”

Enzo ended the call before the don could reply. Ghosts couldn’t talk. And don Bianchi was dead to him. He shoved the phone into his pocket. He may need it later. Enzo stared around at his team. Every member was covered in blood. Lino had been shot in the leg and was leaning against Orazio Cattaneo for support.

All in all, this was a good night because his people were still breathing, including the woman he loved. She smiled at him. Enzo smiled back. He hadn’t gotten the man he’d wanted. But tonight,well, this morning was still a success. The shrill of sirens sounded in the distance. It was time to go.

“Stefan, text the clean-up crew. The rest of you, don’t leave any of your weapons behind. Terzo, get Lino to one of our doctors. It’s time to head out.” Enzo strode over to Eve. “Let’s go home, love.”

With his arm wrapped around her, he steered her toward their car. He nodded at the Cattaneos as he left. By the time he was driving away from the scene, the clean-up crew was nearing the scene. Enzo stopped and rolled his window down.

Mario rolled his window down. “We hear sirens,” the elderly man told him. “We’ve got time to get the bodies away from the scene. But not the cars. Should we set them on fire?”

“That’ll work. Thanks, Mario. Tell your wife I said good morning when you get home.”

“Yes, don Enzo.” Mario nodded to Eve. “And Mrs. Don Enzo. Get home safely.”

“You too,” Enzo told him.

Thankfully, he and Eve made it home with no problem. The guards he’d left on duty at his property assured him nothing out of the ordinary had occurred during his absence. Once safely inside, he and Eve headed for the shower. After he undressed her, he checked every inch of her, ensuring she wasn’t hurt. There was a purplish bruise on her left side.