Page 103 of Enzo DeLuca

“Heads up,” Stefan said.

The sound of fast-approaching vehicles filled the air. The Bianchi crew were leaving the scene of the crime.

“Take cover,” Enzo yelled.

His team moved closer to the forest, getting out of the road. The first vehicle came speeding out of the woods and turned left, heading in their direction. It raced over the spike strips. The tires blew out. The vehicle lurched and swerved. Still speeding, it skidded across the road and slammed into a tree. The sound of metal smashing and bending filled the air. The car behind that one didn’t stop in time.

It raced over the strips and did the same dangerous dance as the car before it. The vehicle flipped and landed on its side. The two cars behind them stopped and began driving backward, thinking they could escape that way. They were wrong. They backed over the other strips. Not going as fast as the cars before, they didn’t flip. They only swerved a little before stopping completely.

“Let’s not give them time to regroup,” Stefan shouted.

“Kill them all,” Enzo ordered.

Enzo stepped from behind his car, followed by Eve and his team. Guns raised, they fired on the men who were trying to get out of their vehicles. Those trapped didn’t stand a chance. Enzo remained close to Eve. When their enemies began returning fire, Enzo went one way, and Eve went another.Fuck!He’d expected her to follow him. What had he expected that for?

She was a leader, not a follower. Now separated, Enzo tried to focus on what he’d come to do and trust that his beautiful assassin could handle her own. Enzo neared one of the Bianchi’s men who was crawling out of his car. He rushed over and placed his foot on the man’s back. As soon as the bastard looked up, Enzo put a bullet in his face.

“Incoming,” Stefan shouted, rushing for the cover of the forest.

Enzo turned at the sound of more cars approaching. He looked to the dirt path. Car headlights peeked through the trees as the newcomers sped their way, rushing to join the party. Where the fuck was Eve? Other members of his team moved closer to the trees and behind cars for covering.

Enzo stood in front of the overturned vehicle and scanned the area, searching for Eve. He didn’t move to the side of the car until the vehicles turned their way and opened fire. Bullets sparked and bounced off the overturned car. Enzo heard a groan. He looked over to find one of the men trapped in the overturned car.

Shit!He could smell gas. It was time to leave. He and his team had been there long enough. The sun would be rising soon. The authorities had to know about the explosion and be on their way. This needed to end now. Enzo moved around the car and kicked at the glass. It took a few tries to make the window shatter. He pulled the guy from the back seat.

The man cried out as his body scraped over the broken glass. Enzo pulled him to his feet and used him as a shield. The drivers of the three new cars noticed the spike strips. Instead of trying to ride over them, they stopped their vehicles, climbed out, and started firing. Enzo held the wounded man in front of him and fired back.

His men saw him out in the open and rushed from the shadows to help him. From the corner of his eye, he saw Eve pulling a wounded Lino behind Enzo’s car. She saw him watching her. Momentarily releasing Lino’s body, she gave him a thumbs up, then continued tugging the man behind the car.

A thumbs up meant she was alright. If that was true, why the fuck was there blood splattered all over her clothes? Enzo wanted to go to her. Heneededto go to her. But he needed to focus.Fuck!He should’ve forced her ass to remain at home. At least then, he could kill without worrying.

Now he had to deal with these motherfuckers in cars stolen from the Adduci dealership before he could check on her. Enzo emptied a clip as gunfire lit up the night. He then pulled his last weapon from his holster and began firing. The body he was using as a shield jerked as it was riddled with bullets. Clicking sounds filled the air as motherfuckers ran out of ammunition.

Enzo released the now deceased man and continued forward. Out of ammo, he tossed his gun aside and faced off with a Bianchi goon who was also out of bullets. Seeing Enzo toss his weapon, the man smiled and discarded his also. The man raised his fists. Enzo followed suit. Now, this was his type of party.

Enzo motioned for the bastard to come forward. The guy rushed him. Enzo dodged his blow and then swung. A bullet sparked against the ground next to his feet. Apparently, someone had reloaded. Enzo punched his opponent. Blood spurted from the guy’s nose. Enzo slammed his fist into the man’s nose again, causing his head to snap back. Another bullet landed too close to Enzo.

He grabbed the bastard by the neck, then spun him around until his back was pressed against Enzo’s chest. Using him as a shield, he turned to see who was shooting at him. Someone was still alive in the overturned car. Their gun was pointed at Enzo. They would’ve fired another shot if a bullet to the head hadn’t taken them out for good.

Enzo looked left to see who’d fired the shot. It was Eve. She winked at him, then turned to fire at someone approaching her from behind. How many motherfuckers did these bastards have? Enzo needed to get to Eve. First, he had to take this motherfucker down. An elbow to the rib made Enzo grit his teeth.

Another one forced him to loosen his grip on his enemy. The guy shrugged out of his grasp and then spun around. Enzo leaned to the side, dodging a punch while delivering one of his own to the man’s gut. The guy coughed, doubling over in pain. Another blow to the side of the man’s head brought the bastard to his knees.

Blood poured from the guy’s mouth as he cried out, “Somebody get this big motherfucker off me.”

“Don’t cry now,” Enzo growled. “You’re the one who raised your fists first. You asked for this ass whipping. Now take this shit like a man.”

Enzo kicked him in his chest, causing him to fall backward. It was time to finish this bitch so he could check on Eve. Enzo raised his foot, prepared to stomp the bitch’s face in.No. That would take too long. He strode to the overturned car and grabbed the gun from the dead man who’d been shooting at him moments ago. He returned to his enemy to find him trying to crawl away. Enzo approached and squatted next to him, pressing the gun to the side of the man’s head.

“Do it,” the bastard yelled. “Get it over with.”

Oh, he wanted to die fast?Enzo wouldn’t put him out of his misery that easily. Standing up, he returned to his original plan to stomp the fuck out of the bastard. Enzo raised his leg.

“Everybody stop,” someone called out. “Or I’ll kill her.”

The cold chill of fear raced down Enzo’s spine.Her?Lowering his leg, Enzo spun around. His breath became trapped in his lungs, and his heart forgot to beat. He’d only felt this type of fear and dread once in his life. It was when he’d gotten the call that his grandfather had been shot. He’d hoped never to feel that emotion again.

But he was caught in its grip as he watched a tall man walk from behind a car, holding Eve close to him while pointing a gun at her head. Unable to look Eve in the face, for fear that he’d see fear in her eyes and crumble, Enzo raised his weapon and pointed it at her attacker.