“How about we go inside and find a place to get comfortable,” I suggest. Her eyes shine back at me and she licks her lips, offering a nod.
“Sounds like a plan,” she agrees and we start to move towards the door. I let my hand drop, squeezing her firm, round ass as we walk. Oh yeah, tonight is going to be fuckin’ fun.
My hair flies as I lean back and let my body twirl smoothly around the shining silver pole. I took dance lessons for years growing up, and I was part of the dance squad in high school, but never in my life did I imagine I’d use what I learned this way. The stage lights always feel bright and intimidating, especially knowing they’re all out there watching.
My hair falls, creating a soft and welcome curtain. The weekends are always busy, but tonight seems extra crazy. The club owner, Charlie, has a nephew who seems to be a regular. But tonight, he showed up with a whole group of guys in tow. I heard a few of the other girls talking, and it sounds like it might be a bachelor party or something.
Marco, one of the bouncers, definitely has his hands full tonight with this crowd. He’s already had to warn a few of them for getting too handsy. One in particular kept reaching up and touching Heather’s legs during her table dance, and another just kept yelling stupid shit. I watched Marco make his way over to their table in the darkness, but I had no idea what he actually said to them. Although, I’m sure there’s no real threat of them getting tossed out, since it’s Charlie’s nephew.
Between the lights and the continuous spinning, my head is starting to feel dizzy. I let go of the pole and drop my palms flat to the stage, leaving my legs straight so my ass stays lifted towards the watching eyes in the audience. I give the smallest shake and dollar bills begin to float around me as loud cheers erupt. They always seem to love this move.
Bending me knees, I drop and lift again. I do it twice, giving them a little tease before finally rolling back to standing. My routine is almost over, and I’m sure they’re primed and ready for the finale. Turning on my heel, I drop to my knees at the edge of the stage. My fingers pinch the small silver clasp at the center of my chest, quickly popping it open and letting my breasts spill from the soft black lace. I shimmy my shoulders, watching the wide-eyed expressions as the cheers fill my ears.
“Holy shit!” a young guy sitting right up front expresses loudly, as a goofy grin fills his face and he tosses a handful of cash up on the edge of the stage. I quickly swipe at the bills, gathering them and tucking them under the thin string edge of my panties before offering him a playful wink in thanks.
“Oh…fuck yeah! Look at those sweet titties, boys!” another voice yells as I see more cash being thrown.
I give them one more shake, then I slide down almost flat against the stage. I slowly lift my ass back up, letting my spine curve before lifting my chest and flashing them again. I bring my hand to my lips, pressing a soft kiss to my fingers before pursing my lips and blowing a kiss out towards the crowd.
“Instead of blowing us a kiss, how about you come down here and blow me!” the obnoxious voice returns louder than earlier. In the distance, I can already see Marco moving back towards the table.
I collect the rest of the cash as I stand. It looks like a pretty decent haul, but I won’t really know until I get backstage and have a few minutes to actually count it.
“Thanks, boys. Enjoy the rest of the show,” I smile and give a small wave before turning and leaving the stage. I hear Leo, the DJ, already announcing Kandi as she makes her entrance into the spotlight.
I pull in a deep breath, trying to calm the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. Flopping down in the chair at my station, I quickly pull a tank top down to cover my exposed body.
“That was some show,” Heather smiles at me from two stations down. “Those boys are a handful tonight, huh?” she adds before taking a long drink from her glass. It’s full of clear liquid, which honestly could be water or could be vodka. I’ve noticed that a few of the girls have a drink or two to take the edge off before taking the stage.
“Thanks. And yeah, they’re definitely have fun throwing around Mommy and Daddy’s money tonight,” I laugh as I fan out my wad of cash and she chuckles.
My mind briefly flashes back to the town I grew up in. I was surrounded by boys like these. Boys who grew up in country club and Ivy league families, thinking they were set for life. Boys who think that their money somehow makes them better and more deserving. I was intended to marry a boy like that, but I’ve always been able to see through the bullshit and see them for the entitled brats that they really are. It’s part of why I left.
“Hey, Jade,” Marco gets my attention, sticking his head through the door. “There’s a guy out here at the bar who’s asking to buy you a drink,” he says.
I stand and move across the room, taking a quick peek through the cracked door. Sitting at the bar I can make out the image of a younger guy with a messy mop of dirty blonde hair. He’s wearing a light-colored polo shirt and jeans.
“Is he with that group?” I ask based simply off his appearance.
“Yup. I think he enjoyed the show,” Marco grins back giving me a wink and I offer a playful swat to his large bicep in return. “I can tell him to hit the bricks, if you want,” he raises an eyebrow as I ponder my next move.
“No, it’s okay. One drink can’t hurt. Let me throw on some new clothes and I’ll be right out,” I answer before turning back towards my station.
After slipping into a new slinky number, I slide my feet into a pair of mega heels and strut out towards the bar. I climb up onto the stool beside my waiting friend, and he turns, offering an easy smile. His eyes are glazed, giving the appearance that he’s already had one too many. This should be interesting.
“Hello there, beautiful,” he starts and I feel my entire body cringe as I force a smile on my face. Behind the bar, Jimmy pours my usual and sets the glass down in front of me.
“Thank you,” I say before turning my attention back to my waiting admirer.
“That was some show,” he gushes.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. But I have a feeling you and your boys are going to like all of them tonight,” I smile back. I’m sure they’ll think each one is better than the last, especially if they keep drinking at the rate they have been.
“No, doll. You’re definitely my favorite,” his pale blue eyes seem to shine under the lights as his smile grows. “So, what’s your real name?” he asks, assuming that Jade is just a stage name.