Page 3 of Fifty

I try to come by at least once a week to check on her and see if she needs anything, but some things are beyond my expertise. Unfortunately, garbage disposals fall into that category. But I can pick up a phone and call the plumber for her.

“I’ll call someone for you tomorrow,” I tell her as I turn off the still running faucet.

“Here, eat one of these brownies before you leave,” she says putting a square of chocolate right under my nose.

“You don’t have to twist my arm,” I smile back, taking the large chunk from her outstretched hand. “Fuh… Sorry. Those are delicious, Ma,” I say with my mouth still full of gooey chocolate.

“So, where did you say you were off to for the night?” she raises an eyebrow as she questions my plans.

“Just back to the clubhouse for a little party with the boys,” I share.

She knows about my life with the club, and she’s been supportive of my choices over the years. That’s not to say that she wasn’t hesitant when I decided to join the MC right out of high school. The club president at the time, Ghost, had quite the reputation. But despite all the shit talk and gossip, she also knew about all the charity work and good things that the club had done. Ma knew just as well as I did, that the men in the club were better role models than my old man ever was. And now, the boys I stand shoulder to shoulder with every day have become my brothers, my extended family.

“When are you going to bring some nice girl home to dinner?” she tries and I let out a rough snort as I struggle to hold back my laughter.

“Sorry, Ma. I hate to break it to you, but the nice ones don’t like me,” I laugh deeply.

“My boy, I think you’ve got that backwards. I think you only like the naughty ones,” she raises an eyebrow and I cringe inwardly. Not really a topic I want to discuss with my mom, but I guess she knows me all too well.

“Nah, you know I like ‘em all,” I grin back and her hand lifts to touch my face.

“True. You’ve always been a flirt. Even from day one, you had those hospital nurses wrapped right around your little finger,” she says and her eyes seem to light up at the memory. “But one day, my boy, you will meet your match. I don’t doubt that for a second,” she smiles.

“Whatever you say, Ma,” I flash her an easy smile as I reach into the pan for another brownie. “Are you all set for the night?” I ask.

“I’m good here. Go have fun,” she answers softly.

“Thanks. And thanks again for dinner. It was delicious, as always. I’ll stop by again in a few days, so just call or text if you need anything before then,” I instruct.

“Stop worrying so much about me,” she waves a hand trying to brush me off. I lean forward and press a kiss to her cheek.

“You know I’ll always worry about you, Momma. I love you,” I tell her stepping back.

“I love you too, Bennie,” she smiles as I pull open the door and leave her.


My baby purrs between my thighs as I ride towards the clubhouse. My Harley is the only girl in my life that I love and trust as much as my Momma. She’s fucking perfect. I guide her along the smooth road, back to the only home I’ve known outside of the house I grew up in.

The clubhouse of the Lucifer’s Savages Motorcycle club has been my home for the past seven years. I was still a teenager when I moved in, and fuck if I didn’t have some serious growing up to do. My best friend, Kane, and I were recruited together, and it’s been one hell of a ride so far.

Kane and I both rose in the ranks, embracing the club life and loving every fucking second. My boy is a born leader, and he quickly took over as vice president while I welcomed my role as enforcer. If my upbringing gave me anything, it’s the ability to throw a fucking punch.

It sucks that my boy won’t be at this party tonight. Asshole pulled a fucking rookie move and got himself pinched, and now he’s spending a little quality time in the Rock Hill correctional facility. I hated to see it happen, but honestly the boy needed a fucking wake up call. I know he’ll be back out soon, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get my wingman back.

For years, Kane let his dick lead the way. I won’t lie, most of us do. But a few months ago, at a bike rally in New Hampshire, he stunned us all when it finally led him to someone worth keeping. There must be something in the water up there, because our president, Ryder, got fucking smacked too. They both fell like God damn rocks. Ryder brought his girl home, but Kane wasn’t so lucky. He managed to fuck up his entire situation in true Kane style.

It's too bad, because I actually liked his girl, Ayla. It’s not something that happens too often, but I actually connected with her too. It was like something just clicked between us. It’s hard to explain, but she instantly felt like the kid sister I never had. And seeing her broken was just as hard as watching him fall.

Tonight wasn’t the first time Ma has mentioned me bringing a girl home someday. And I can tell, despite her trying to cover it as a joke, that she’s really hoping it will happen. I hate to crush her dreams of marriage and grandbabies, but I honestly can’t see any of that playing out in my future. That shit just isn’t in the cards for me.

The clubhouse is already thumping as I pull into the lot and guide my bike into a narrow space beside the front door. I slide out of the saddle and let my heavy boots hit the pavement. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my pack of smokes and give the box a couple taps against my palm before sliding one out and bringing it to my lips. I hold it easily between my teeth as I slip the pack back into my pocket and flick the lighter, watching the tip glow. I inhale and pull the smoke in deep, filling my lungs before letting it slowly seep back out my nostrils. I watch the white whisps swirl around me as I pull in another drag, only turning when I hear the clicking of footsteps behind me.

“Smoke break?” Ashley’s soft voice asks as she steps up beside me.

“Hey, Ash. Kinda. I just got here, so I figured I’d have a smoke before I head inside for a drink,” I grin back as I drop my butt and stomp it out.

My eyes rake down over the tiny scraps of fabric clinging tightly to her curves and she gives a tiny shiver. I take a step closer and drop my lips to her ear as my arm slides around her back.