Page 1 of Fifty



“Oh, shit. Is Leia home for the weekend?” I grin across the front seat at Kane as I swing the car into his driveway. My best friend’s older sister has been away at school, and it’s really fun to watch him squirm.

“Don’t fucking start that shit,” he growls and I let out a chuckle. He makes it way too easy.

“You want me to pick you up before the party, or are you planning to ride with Tay?” I ask raising my eyebrows. Kane recently decided to become exclusive, and his girl has had him on a tight fucking leash ever since.

“Shit, I don’t even know if I’m going to that fucking party. Taylor got all pissed off at me earlier because Emily said hi to me in the cafeteria during lunch,” Kane fumes. I honestly don’t envy any of the bullshit he’s already had to deal with as a result of having a girlfriend.

“That’s why you’ll never see me tied down,” I chuckle as he climbs out of the car. “Just give me a shout if you need a ride later,” I offer again.

“I will. And thanks again for the ride home. I can’t wait until I get my own damn car,” he says before closing the door and stomping up the path towards his front door.

I shift into reverse and back out of the driveway, heading five minutes around the corner to my own house. My fingers clutch the wheel when I see the blue pick-up parked beside the mailbox. He’s not supposed to be here.

I slam it into park and swing my door open, already feeling the rage building as I hop out. My Nikes tear a path across the lawn as I sprint towards the front door. I can already hear the fight going on inside.

“Get your hands off her and get the fuck out of this house,” I yell as soon as I step through the door.

My protective instincts kick in immediately when I see my mom pinned to the wall, panic glinting in her eyes as tears stream down her cheeks. I watch as he casually lets go of her arms and turns to face me. His cloudy eyes glare at me and I can tell without a doubt that he’s been drinking again.

“Just having a chat with my wife,” he slurs, his lips curling into a broad sneer.

“The restraining order says you can’t be here,” I remind him, trying hard to keep my cool.

“And what are you going to do about it, son?” he questions and I feel my fists clench at my sides.

“I’m younger, stronger, and bigger than you, old man. I won’t hesitate to toss your ass out,” I growl.

“You don’t have the balls,” he grins, letting out a raspy chuckle.

“You wanna try me? Remember last time?” I ask. His laughter stops abruptly as he remembers his last drunken visit when I had to show him the door. “Now get the fuck out before I call the cops,” I tell him.

He turns, finally stumbling out before I make my way across the room to collect my mom. Her sobbing is out of control as she turns into a puddle on the floor.

“Are you okay?” I whisper my question against her hair as I hold her in my arms.

“Yes,” her voice trembles.

“I’m gonna call the cops to report it, then I’ll call Gloria,” I tell her before lifting her gently to the couch. She seems to calm as I reach for the phone. I hear her take two deep breaths and her fingers touch my arm.

“Bennie, I am so proud of you. You could’ve been just like him, but look at you. Seventeen years old and you’re already a better man. I love you,” her small voice squeaks and I feel my chest swell.

“I love you too, Ma,” I tell her as I start to dial.



“Shit,” I push out a breath as I skip up the steps, running through the back door and into the diner kitchen.

“Well, there she is,” Dave looks up at me, grinning from behind the cook line.

“I’m so sorry. I know it’s the second time this week. I promise it won’t happen again,” tell him as I hang my sweatshirt and purse up on the coat hook before tying my apron securely around my waist.

“Calm down, kiddo. You know I’m just teasing. Five minutes isn’t the end of the world,” he chuckles as I spin on my heel and head out into what I’m sure is an already packed dining room. The small diner is only open for breakfast and lunch, and breakfast is definitely the most popular of the two.